Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
Tilley Award Documents by Department / Agency
All documents linked below are in PDF format. In order to view them you will need Adobe's free Acrobat Viewer.
Avon and Somerset Constabulary (England)
- Operation Fragment (2009) Winner!
- Operation Jacket (2008)
- Operation Joined Up (2008)
- DivERT: Diversion Rehabilitation Training (2007)
- Youthwatch (2007)
- Operation Farenheit (2006)
- Tackling Crime to Improve Patient Care (2006)
- Policing the Glastonbury Festival (2006)
- Operation Jupiter (2006) Finalist
- Steart: Reclaiming the Common (2005)
- Operation Ghoul (2005)
- Policing the Glastonbury Festival (2005)
- Narrowing the Options for Car Thieves (2004)
- Bath Graffiti Partnership (2004)
- Missing Persons Initiative (2004)
- Operation Hercules (2004) Finalist
- Collision Care Pack Scheme (2004)
- Reducing Student Victims of Crime (2004)
- Streetwise (2003)
- RoomSafe Scheme (2003)
- West Learning Through Football Scheme (2003)
- Operation Tourist (2003)
- Skate Park Project (2003)
- The Oldmixon Housing Estate. Bringing Together a Community (2003)
- Family Group Homes (2002)
- Car Cruisers (2002) Winner!
- Car Clear Project (2002) Winner!
- St Johns Road Sheltered Housing Scheme (2002) Winner!
- Broadplain Football Scheme (2002)
- Tackling Graffiti in Bath (2002)
- Drink Watch Campaign (2002)
- Lovell Avenue Project (2002)
- South Ward Crime and Disorder Strategy: A New Beginning (2001)
- The Lydney Road Project 2000 (2001)
- Bristol Anti-Robbery Strategy: A Crime Reduction Solution for the City Centre of Bristol (2001)
- Reducing Crime and Disorder in the City of Wells, Somerset (2001)
- Work in Partnership to Reduce Crime in Trenchard Street Car Park: A Problem Waiting to be Solved (2000)
- The Voice of Southmead (2000)
- Prosperity in Partnership: Bridgwater's Key to Success (2000)
- Problem Oriented Policing Working in Partnership to Create a Safer Holiday Environment (1999) Finalist
- Gathering: A Response to Drug and Alcohol-related Crime (1999)
Bedfordshire Constabulary (England)
Birmingham Community Safety Partnership (West Midlands, England)
Bolsover Community Safety Partnership (Derbyshire, England)
Bolton Crime and Disorder Partnership (Greater Manchester, England)
British Transport Police (United Kingdom)
Cambridgeshire Constabulary (England)
- Peterborough Evening Partnership (2006)
- Operation Dornier (2005)
- Distraction Burglary and Rogue Trader Taskforce (2004) (File not available)
- Operation Sparrow (2001)
- Everyday Practice (1999)
Camden Safer Streets Team (Greater London, England)
Cheshire Constabulary (England)
- Community Contacts Email Channel (2008)
- Poynton No Cold Calling Zone (2008)
- Operation Totem (2007)
- Talk, Don't Walk (2007)
- Project Pinpoint (2001)
Cheshire County Council (Cheshire, England)
Cleveland Police (Hartlepool, Middlesborough, Redcar & Cleveland, and Stockton-on-Tees, England)
- Operation Equinox (2009)
- Stop Them (2008)
- Operation Enfield (2008)
- Teesside Park (2008)
- Lawson Street Health Centre (2008)
- Tackling Alcohol Related Violent Crime (2008)
- Disorder in South Bank (2008)
- Retail Crime Project (2007)
- Mr. T, Problem Tenant (2007)
- Newton Neighbors (2007)
- The Clarences Focus Group (2007)
- Repeat Caller? (2007)
- Diesel Theft at Limerick Road Dormanstown (2007)
- Middlesbrough's Theft from Motor Vehicle Initiative (2007)
- Operation Know Your Role (2007)
- Fonteyn Court Improvement Scheme (2006)
- Town Centre Violence (2006)
- Behaviour Attendance and Truancy Team (B.A.T.) (2006)
- Operation Cracker (2005)
- Beggar Free Project (2005)
- The Alleygate Program (2005)
- Operation Victoria (2004)
- Hartlepool Dordrecht Project (2004)
- Operation 'Dealer a Day' (2004)
- Neighbourhood Task Group (2004)
- Operation Auckland (2004)
- Operation Royal (2004)
- Burglary Reduction Project (2004)
- Operation Strongbow (2004)
- Repeat Victims of Domestic Burglary (2003)
- Operation ABC: The Acceptable Behaviour Campaign (2003)
- Parksafe Project (2001)
- Crime and Disorder Multi-Agency Database (2001)
- Operation Box Clever (2000)
- Multi-Agency Action Against Prostitution Project (MAP Project) (2000)
- Bullyproof (1999)
- Operation Quarry (1999)
- Multi-Agency Action Against Prostitution (1999)
- Reach for Success (1999)
Cumbria Constabulary (England)
- Discovering Distington's Distinction (2008)
- Botcherby Initiative (2008)
- Reducing Youth Anti-Social Behaviour in South Carlisle (2008)
- Operation Prestwick (2008)
- Respect in Cumbria (2008)
- Operation Minx (2008)
- Performance Managing Community Engagement (2008)
- Tackling Night Time Disorder: A Long-Term Approach (2007)
- Casualty Reduction & Safer Highways Group (2007)
- Operation Robot (2007)
- Queen Street Crack Houses (2006)
- Family Matters (2006)
- Safer Homes Scheme (2006)
- Operation Mettle (2006)
- Tackling Retail Theft (2005)
- Reducing Youth-Related Disorder (2005)
- Derwentwater Road: Altogether Now (2005)
- Have a Safe and Violence-Free Christmas (2005)
- Gray Streetlights: Thefts from Unattended Motor Vehicles (2005)
- Automated Road Collision & Casualty Data Analysis and Reporting (2005)
- Motorcycle Casualty Reduction (2004)
- Castle Park Whitehaven (2004)
- Gray Street Lights: Thefts from Unattended Motor Vehicles (2004)
- Probationers and POP (2004)
- Tackling Street Light Vandalism (2004)
- Mirehouse Estate (2004)
- Operation Lightfingers Retail Theft (2004)
- Whitehaven Towne Centre: Reducing Violent Crime (2004)
- Valley School (2004)
- A POP Approach to Reducing Assaults at Licensed Premises (2003)
- Operation Spike: Reducing Drug-Assisted Rape in South Cumbria (2003)
- Operation Migraine (2003)
- Targeting New Officers to Implement POP (2003)
- South Whitehaven Partnership (2002)
- Fridays at Toppers (2002)
- Operation Regulate (2002)
- Making Barrow a Graffiti-Free Zone (2002)
- Greenacares: The Transformation (2001)
- Operation Block (2001)
- Operation Acne (1999)
- Operation Oulton (1999)
- Safe and Sound Heart (1999)
Cynon Valley Crime Prevention Association (Aberdare, Wales)
Derby Community Safety Partnership (Derbyshire, England)
Derbyshire Constabulary (England)
- Liberation Day (2008)
- Somercotes Beat Team (2002)
- Peaks and Dales Safer Pubs and Clubs (2002)
- Operation Liberal: An Initiative to Tackle Distraction Burglary (2000)
- Operation Liberal: An Initiative to Tackle Distraction Burglary (1999)
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary (England)
- White Gold Project (2008)
- CATS: Community Action Through Sport (2007)
- Plymouth Head Camera Project (2007)
- Castle Circus: The Partnership Approach (2005)
- Kingsway Estate (2004)
- When the Corn is Cut (2001)
- Turn Around (2001)
- POP Within 2 Area Plymouth (2000) Winner!
- Jobseekers Allowance Girocheque Offences (2000)
- Increasing Reporting of Domestic Violence (1999)
Dorset Police (England)
- Call Time on Glass (2007)
- Working Together (2003)
- Operation Globe (2003)
- Responsible Retailer Award (2000)
- Operation Seal (2000)
- The Evolution of a Policing Ethic by Problem Solving (1999)
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary (Scotland)
- School Exclusion Scheme (2003)
- Phonebox Guardian Scheme (2003)
- Dalbeattie Youth Initiative (2001)
- The Makeover/The Dumfries Tradesafe Partnership (2001)
- Dumfries and Galloway Safeguard (1999)
Durham Constabulary (England)
- Lot Code Identification (2005)
- Anti-Social Behaviour in Wear Valley and Teesdale (2003)
- Easington Community Safety Partnership (2003)
Dyfed-Powys Police (Wales)
- Dyfed-Powys The Problem Solving Approach to the Prevention of Repeat Victimisation (1999) (File not available)
- Dyfed-Powys The Problem Solving Approach to Youth Offending in Dyfed Powys (1999)
- Dyfed-Powys Reducing Theft from Unattended Motor Vehicles (1999)
Easington Community Safety Partnership (Durham, England)
East Hampshire District Council (Hampshire, England)
Elmbridge Community Safety Partnership (Surrey, England)
Enfield Safer Stronger Communities Board (Middlesex, England)
Essex County Council (Essex, England)
Essex Police (England)
- Fire Watch (2008)
- Making Communities Safer (2008)
- Community Safety Action Zone (2008)
- Operation Leopard (2008)
- Op Jabot (2008)
- Basildon District Community Safety Partnership (2003)
- The Basildon Anti-Graffiti Initiative (2002)
- Target Hardening Dwellings in Rural Areas (2002)
- York Road Burglary Reduction Initiative (2001)
Fife Constabulary (Scotland)
Gloucestershire Constabulary (England)
- Project Isis (2008)
- Operation Kiddie Cop (2007)
- Robbery SARA Project and GCDRP (2003)
- Operation King (2003)
- Operation Gemini Streetsafe (2002)
Grampian Police (Aberdeen, Scotland)
- The Kings of Sin (2001)
- Fare Travel Scheme (2001)
- Zone 98 Young People: Police Issue or Social Concern (2001)
Greater Manchester Police (England)
- Bolton BeSafe: Reducing Criminal Damage (2008) Winner!
- Risk and Reward (2008)
- Johnson Fold Anti-Social Behaviour Management Group (2007)
- Operation Flood: Student Burglary Reduction Initiative (2007)
- Summer Alcohol Misuse Enforcement Campaign (2006)
- Trafford Park Security Initiative (2006)
- EMBRACE: East Manchester Burglary, Robbery and Auto Crime (2005)
- OPUS: The Operational Unit Policing System Project (2005)
- Operation Rockingham: Reducing Robbery in Bury (2005)
- Swinton Town Centre C.R.I.M.E. Initiative (2005)
- Oldham Against Crime Partnership (2004)
- Brookhouse Residential Housing Estate (2004)
- Trafford's Centre (2004)
- Cheadle Royal Crime Reduction Initiative (2004)
- The Haulgh: Managing Prostitution, Regenerating the Community (2004)
- Tameside Mediates (2003)
- Operation Guest (2003)
- Paulhan Street Project (2002)
- Operation Renewal (2002)
- The Operational Policing Strategy (2001)
- Vehicle Crime Awareness Initiative (2001)
- Disruptive Passengers at Manchester Airport (2001)
- Curfew Targeting Strategy at Chadderton (2001)
- Problem-Solving Street Robbery: 'Baits His Hook and Takes Your Cash' (2001)
- Operation Yuletide (2000)
- The Newbold Project: Kilamanjaro (2000)
- The Youth Pods (1999)
Guernsey Police (British Commonwealth)
Gwent Police (Wales)
Hampshire Constabulary (England)
- Bridging the Gap (2008)
- Do You Want an Effective DPPO and Reduce Damage (2008)
- Operation Kensington (2007)
- Operation Mullion (2006) Finalist
- Bikesafe 03 (2006)
- Crime Reduction Environment Week (2006)
- Operation Phoenix (2006) (File not available)
- 999 Live (2006)
- Pride of Place (2006)
- Operation Mullion (2005)
- Bikesafe 03 (2005)
- Project Moonshine (2004)
- Operation Cobra (2004) Finalist
- Pocket Note Book Cover (2004)
- Operation Acer (2003)
- Southampton Safe School Project (2003)
Harrogate and District Community Partnership (North Yorkshire, England)
Heddlu Gwent Police (Wales)
Hertfordshire Constabulary (England)
- Operation Reckless (2008)
- Operation Enigma (2007)
- The Human Chassis Number (2005)
- Operation Tarpaulin (2004)
- Operation Refrain 'On the Buses' (2004)
- The Hertfordshire Young Citizens Project (2001)
- Visibility with Purpose (2001)
Home Office Police and Crime Standards Directorate (London, UK)
Hounslow Community Safety Partnership (Greater London, England)
Hull Citysafe (Humberside, England)
Humberside Police (Hull, England)
Kent Police (England)
Lancashire Constabulary (England)
- The Engage Team (2009) Finalist
- Operation Abingdon (2008)
- Operation Pasture (2008)
- SPACE: The Burnley Youth Bus (2008)
- Travel Safe (2008)
- Easy Tiger (2008)
- Jenny's Story (2008)
- Operation Detention (2007)
- MOPPIN' up Dodge (2007) Winner!
- Operation Regent Restoration (2007)
- Easy Tiger! (2007)
- Operation Sign (2007)
- The Awaken Project (2007)
- Operation Larches Storm (2007)
- The Maltings (2007)
- Thorpe Close Neighborhood Policing Project (2007)
- Pendle Fishing Buddies (2007)
- Operation Hot Spot (2007)
- Blackburn with Darwen Family Intervention Programme (2007)
- Football Festival (2006)
- Operation Thursden Valley (2006)
- Reduction of Infant Death (2006)
- Rhyddings Community Safe Project (2006)
- Ditch the Dealer (2006)
- Operation SeaQuest (2006) Winner!
- Operation Lund Evidence Presentation System (2006)
- Safe Plates (2006)
- Sal's Place (2006)
- Our Shining Stars (2006)
- Operation Surrender It (2006)
- Thorpedo (2006)
- Dynamo (2006)
- Lancashire Constabulary Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction (2005)
- Towne Centre Drug House Closure (2005)
- Open All Hours (2005)
- Operation TARGET (2005)
- Mountains into Molehills (2005) Finalist
- Operation Easygoing (2005)
- Jenny's Story: An Internet Safety Resource (2005)
- Operation Adhere (2005)
- Inner Preston Burglary Reduction Initiative (2005)
- Operation Gemini (2005)
- Priority Premises Performance Plans (2005)
- Streetwise Soccer Project Summer 2004 (2005)
- Operation Claremont Angels (2005)
- Operation Abstract (2005)
- Return of the Happy Shopper (2005) Finalist
- Kingscote Park 2004 (2005)
- Operation Deter (2005)
- Operation Kiwi (2005)
- Mole Hills from Mountains (2004)
- Nightsafe Initiative (2004)
- Project Calibre (2004)
- Operation Combustion (2004)
- Blackburn with Darwen Families Project (2004)
- Exhale (2004)
- Operation Dawdle (2004)
- Operation Gemini (2004)
- Operation Misper (2004)
- Operation Phoenix Evolution (2004)
- Operation Roman Candle (2004)
- People Perception Project (2004)
- Rhyddings Community Safe Project (2004)
- Safer Sex Works (2004)
- The Invisible Menace (2004)
- The Tower Project (2004)
- School Liaison (2004)
- Sedburgh Gang (2004)
- Smartwater Project (2004)
- Spring Gardens (2004)
- The Hopwood Triangle (2004)
- Burnley Football Club Players' Cards (2004)
- Operation ETON: Tackling Street Prostitution (2003)
- Chorley Mosque (2003)
- Casualty Reduction (2003)
- Calm Restored (2003)
- Burnley Wood Arson Reduction (2003)
- Burglary Reduction Initiative (2003)
- A.L.L.S.A.F.E. (2003)
- Bay House Self-Development Course (2003)
- Britpol: Crime Reduction (2003)
- Operation Caretaker (2003)
- Operation Fixture (2003)
- Project Calibre (2003)
- Operation Boswell (2003)
- Operation Avoid (2003)
- Fylde Mobile CCTV (2003)
- Frying Tonight in Peace (2003)
- Putting the Brakes on Lorry Trailer Thefts (2003)
- Operation Restore (2003)
- Operation Park Keeper (2003)
- Operation Night Watchman (2003)
- Operation Kerb (2003)
- Achieving a Sustainable Reduction in Youth Crime & Disorder (2003)
- Weekend Worrier (2003)
- Tower Project (2003)
- The Burglary Project (2003)
- Streetwise Soccer (2003)
- B.A.N.D.: Burnley Against Night-time Disorder (2002) Winner!
- Bikesafe 2000 + (2002) Winner!
- Bridging the Gap (2002) Winner!
- Promoting Problem-Oriented Policing (2002)
- Chorley Mosque (2002)
- Operation M (name altered to preserve anonymity) (2002)
- Operation Delve (2002)
- Missing Persons: Finding a Solution (2002)
- Operation Debar (2002)
- Frying Tonight in Peace (2002)
- Operation Diverse (2002)
- The Tower Project (2002)
- Operation Calm (2002)
- Crankshaft (2002)
- Operation Aim (2002)
- Poulton Industrial Estate (2002)
- Operation Approach (2002)
- Casualty Reduction (2002)
- The Future is....Yellow! (2002) Winner!
- POP in Schools (2001)
- The Swann with Two Knecks (2001)
- Bay House Initiative (2001)
- Operation Bikesafe (2001)
- Anti-Social Behaviour Order (2001)
- Call on Phoenix Project (2001)
- Operation Clamp (2001)
- Juvenile Referral Scheme (2001)
- Operation Fizz (2001)
- Operation Freedom (2001)
- Brunshaw Estate Initiative (2001)
- Operation Avert 1 (2001)
- Operation Aslan (2001)
- Officers Court Time (2001)
- POP on a Beermat (2001)
- Improving POP Initiatives in Lancashire (2001) Winner!
- Operation Atlas (2001) Finalist
- 40 Manchester Road, Blackpool (2000)
- Geographic Initiative: Operation Acne (2000)
- A Co-ordinated Approach to Crime and Disorder Problems in Blackpool Town Centre (2000)
- Aiming to Reduce Repeat Victimisation for Domestic Violence (2000)
- ASDA: A Crime Prevention Strategy (2000)
- ASLAN: A Problem-Oriented Approach to Address Disorder and Anti-Social Behaviour (2000)
- The B & Q Initiative (2000)
- Operation Cracker (2000)
- Operation Facelift (2000)
- Operation Freedom (2000)
- Lytham Illegal Parking Initiative (2000)
- Implementation of POP in Lancashire (2000) Winner!
- Operation Adelphi (2000) Finalist
- The McDonald's Nuisance (2000)
- University of Central Lancashire Partnership Policing (2000)
- The Nook Scrap Yard POP Initiative (1999) Finalist
- Operation Arrival (1999)
- Operation Atlanta (1999)
- Operation Aslan (1999)
- Grange Park (1999)
- Project Management Methodology (1999)
- Streetwise (1999)
- Vehicle Obstruction Warden Strategy (1999)
- Bike Safe 2000 (1999)
- Drink Link (1999)
- The Burnley Youth Shelter (1999)
- The Tatton Community Project (1999)
- Crime-a-lot to Camelot (1999)
- Skelmersdale Info Shop of Young People (1999)
- Operation Exodus (1999)
- Intro of POP into Lancashire Constabulary (1999) (File not available)
Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (England)
Leicestershire Constabulary (England)
- A Safer Christmas in Hinckley (2008)
- Operation Fortify & Safe Routes (2007)
- Reducing Violent Crime in Leicester City Centre (2003)
- North Area Reducing Burglary Reducing the Fear of Crime (2001)
- Burglary Prevention Initiative: Beat 15 (2000)
- Northfield's Project (1999) (File not available) Winner!
Lincoln Business Improvement Group (Lincolnshire, England)
Lincolnshire Constabulary (England)
Lisburn Neighourhood Team (Northern Ireland)
Lothian and Borders Police (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Merseyside Police Department (England)
- Beechwood JDI Initiative (2008)
- Next of KIN (2008)
- Operation Seahog (2008) (File not available)
- Operation Stand (2008)
- Operation Safespace (2008)
- Operation Big Wing (2008)
- Environmental Crime and Grime (2008)
- Engagement Mapping Parr (2008)
- Operation Sherbrooke: Tackling Repeat Burglary (2008)
- Operation Loopline (2007)
- Operation Hatton (2007)
- Operation Elsmswood (2007)
- Liverpool South Vehicle Crime (2007) (File not available)
- Operation Tango (2007)
- Casualty Reduction Partnership (2007) (File not available)
- Wirral Pier Project (2007)
- Sefton Tower 2 Prolific Offender Team (2007)
- Operation Hawk (2006)
- Gold Zone Sefton (2006)
- Neighbourhood Policing with Heart & Edge Beat It (2006)
- Burglary Reduction Programme (2006)
- Operation Loop Line (2004)
- Cash 'n Carry (2004)
- Making Time (2004)
- Lancsafe: Policing Crime Corridors (2003)
- C.A.N.D.O. and Multi-Agency Problem Solving (2003)
- The Knowsley Burglary Initiative (2002)
- Implementation of a 'Model Beat' Programme (2002) (File not available)
- Operation Trident (2002)
- Operation Crystal/Crystal Clear (2001) Winner!
- Be Streetsafe (2001)
- Grange Terrace Disorder (2001)
- A Problem Solving Approach to Performance Management (2000)
- Problem-Orientated Policing Youth Disorder in Halewood, Merseyside (2000)
- A Computerised System to Retrieve and Analyse Information (2000)
- This is Problem Solving Policing (1999)
- Operation Guardian (1999)
- Operation Shed (1999)
- Operation Townsafe (1999)
- Planning for Effective Patrol (1999)
Metropolitan Police Service (London, England)
- Criminal Damage to Buses in Fulwell (2008)
- Safer Public Transport Routes in Bromley (2008)
- ASB by Motorcyclists at the Chelsea Bridge Wharf (2008)
- Morris Walk Estate (2008)
- Beltwood Estate Dangerous and Nuisance Animals (2008)
- Uxbridge Business Against Crime (2008)
- Operation Themis (2008)
- ASB Cleveland Estate (2008)
- Attlee Terrace Safer Estate (2008)
- Redbridge Community Partnership Against Doorstep (2008)
- Joint Action Group and Tackling Acquisitive Crime (2008)
- Gang-related Drug Dealing and Related ASB (2008)
- Robberies at the London Trocadero (2008)
- Gascoigne Burglary Initiative (2008)
- School-Age Robberies at Graveney School (2007)
- CHANCE (2007)
- Retail Theft Initiative (RTI) (2007)
- Corporation Avenue Alley Reclaim Scheme (2007)
- Safe and Sound: A Safer Night-Time Economy (2007)
- Merton's Teenage Gangs Initiative (2007)
- Arson of Rubbish Bins in Armfield Crescent, Mitcham (2007)
- Anti-Social Behaviour on Cleveland Estate (2007)
- The COP Leadership Course in Tower Hamlets (2007)
- Operation BUSTAG (2007)
- Youth Engagement with Police and Partners: Using CoP Cards (2007)
- Enfield Problem-Oriented Partnership (2007)
- Street Population Street Drinkers in Camberwell (2006) Finalist
- Preventing Disorder Promoting Diversion Protecting Diversity (2006)
- Holloway's Counterfeit Cancer (2006)
- Off the Street, Less Heat (2006)
- Patmore & Carey Garden Estates ASB and Crime Aggravated by Dogs (2006)
- Graffiti Project Hornchurch High St (2006)
- The COP Leadership Course in Tower Hamlets (2006)
- From Prejudice to Pride (2006)
- Wandsworth Effective Communication: Police and Disabled People (2006)
- Keeping Problem Solving out of the Company Zoo (2005)
- Reducing Reckless Moped Riding (2005)
- Tackling Forecourt Crime (2004)
- The Karrot Project (2003)
- Problem Solving Process Implementation Programme (2003) Winner!
- Slade Green Community Safety Action Zone (2003)
- Implementation of Problem Solving across the Metropolitan Police Service (2002)
- Trafalgar Square: Illegal Trading and Crime (2001) (File not available)
- Operation Seneca (2001)
- The Crunch Database: A Tool of Organisational Support (2001)
- A Problem Solving Approach to Vice in the London Borough of Haringey (2000)
- Kensington: A P.O.P. Against Burglary (1999)
- Operation Argus (1999)
- Ilford Butane Abuse (1999)
Norfolk Constabulary (England)
- Walsingham Feast of Assumption 2007 (2008)
- Cherry Tree Car Park (2008)
- Norfolk Alcohol-Crime Reduction (2008)
- SOS Bus: Safe Haven (2004)
- Operation Enterprise (2004)
- Norwich City Centre Crime Reduction Action Group (2003)
- Beat Policing & Core Route Folders (2002)
North Wales Police (Wales)
- Improving Victim Reassurance (2008)
- Calling Time on Violent Crime (2008)
- Operation Gingerbread (2008)
- Operation Crack (2008)
- Hafan Y Mor Crime & Disorder Reduction Initiative (2008)
- E-crime Wales (2005)
- Dyna Ddigon (That's Enough) (2005)
- School Dinners and Santa Claus (2004)
- Operation Lifeboat (2004)
- Wrexham Industrial Estate (2004)
- Morfa Dyffryn (2002)
- Presthaven Sands (2002)
- Virtual Communities (2002)
- Juvenile Anti-Social Behaviour Project (2001)
- Policing Priorities: Performance Review Project (2000)
North Yorkshire Police (England)
Northampton Retail Crime Initiative (Northamptonshire, England)
Northamptonshire Police (England)
- Corby Jam Team (2009)
- The Glass Debate: It's Your Choice (2008)
- Northamptonshire Countywide Traveler Unit (2008)
- Motorcycle Nuisance on the Kingswood Estate (2008)
- Rushden & Higham Ferrers Nightbus Scheme (2006)
- Northampton CASPAR3 Project (2005)
- The Blackthorn CASPAR Project (2001) Finalist
Northern Constabulary (Inverness, Scotland)
Northumbria Police (England)
- Neighbourhood Policing and Management in Northumberland (2008)
- Cutting Criminal Damage in Wallsend (2007)
- Operation Jupiter (2007)
- CHILDSAFE (2007)
- Operation Collect (2006)
- Probing the Problem (2004)
- Berwick Upon Tweed Shopwatch and Pubwatch Scheme (2004)
- Street Crime Unit (2004)
- SPEAR (2004)
- Grindon Community Cinema Project (2004)
- Hilltop Special School (2004)
- Houghton Kepier School (2004)
- Marden Quarry Project (2004)
- Operation Jeepers (2004)
- Policing the City (2004)
- Communication is the Key (2004)
- Metrocentre Vehicle Crime (2003)
- Operation Pullman (2003)
- Wheelie Bin Arsons (2003)
- Bleach Green: An Estate on the Edge? (2002)
- The Usual Suspects (2002)
- The Martin Road Project (2002)
- Hazardous Horses (2002)
- Past the Winning Post Racecourse Estate, Houghton le Spring (2001)
- Fun and Safe Motorcycling (2001)
- Operation 'G Force' (2000)
- Hedley Model (2000)
- Operation Deliverance (1999)
Nottinghamshire Police (England)
- Stopping Car Cruising in Nottinghamshire (2008)
- Three 9s Challenge (2008)
- City Centre Boy Racing (2007)
- Three 9s Challenge (2007)
- Week of Action (2007)
- Operation Ring Road (2003)
- A Training Campaign to Introduce 'Problem Solving in Nottinghamshire' (2002)
- The Alcohol-Related Violence Crime Reduction Project (2002)
- Operation Real Estate (2001) (File not available)
- Bircotes Autocrime Project (2001)
- The Bestwood Estate: Crime and Other Problems Solved? (1999)
- RV (Domestic Burglary): Relationship Between Housing Type and Time Course of RV (1999)
Partners of Prisoners (Manchester, England)
Plymouth Community Safety Partnership (Devon & Cornwall, England)
Police Service of Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland)
- The Roadsafe Roadshow (2008)
- CARS Course (2008)
- Crime Prevention Glens of Antrim (2008)
- Bikesafe NI (2008)
- Derry City Domestic Violence Project (2007)
- Ballygawley Road Housing Estate (2007)
- Belfast City Centre Beat Partnership (2006)
- Reducing Crime Against Students (2006) (File not available)
- Peer Leadership Programme (2006)
- Tackling Vehicle Crime at the Odyssey (2006)
- A Partnership Protocol to Tackle Crime at Schools (2005)
- Tackling City Centre Assaults in Foyle District Command Unit (2003) Winner!
- Campaign 'Get Home Safe' (2003) Winner!
- Alert Communities in Action (2003)
- Tackling Crime.One Car at a Time (2003)
Royal Ulster Constabulary (Northern Ireland)
Safer Ealing Partnership (Greater London, England)
Safer Hartlepool Partnership (England)
Safer Knowsley Partnership (Merseyside, England)
Safer Merton (Greater London, England)
Safer Neath Port Talbot Partnership (South Wales, Wales)
Safer Neighborhoods North Lincs (Lincolnshire, England)
Safer Sandwell Partnership (West Midlands, England)
Salford Community Safety Unit (Greater Manchester, England)
South Wales Police (Wales)
- Traffic Light System (2009)
- Alleygates Project (2008)
- The Vale of Glamorgan Business Crime Reduction (2008)
- Call Time on Violent Crime (2008)
- Award South Wales Op Ariel Draft (2008)
- From a Bang to a Whimper (2008)
- Lonely World of Today's Slavery (2008)
- Traffic Light System (TLS) (2008)
- CHARLIE (2008)
- Broadleaf: A Partnership Approach to Tackling Environmental Crime (2008)
- Tonna Anti-social Behavior (2008)
- Betws Young Active Citizens (2008)
- Romilly Park Project (2004)
- Wildmill Bridgend (2004)
- The Cardiff ESOL (2004)
- Operation Ottowa (2004)
- Opportunity Knocks for Young People: Forest School Programme (2004)
- Safer Swansea ASBO (2004)
- Operation Phoenix (2004)
- University First (2004)
- Remote Triage Centre (2004)
- No More Repeats: Anti-Burglary Initiative (2003)
- Early Identification and Intervention Strategies for At-Risk Youth (2003)
- University of Wales, Swansea, Student Village (2002)
- Merthyr Tydfil Project Capricorn (2002)
- Whose Problem? The Merthyr Tydfil Partnership (2002)
South Yorkshire Police (England)
- Co-operate (2008)
- Doncaster 100 Smartwater (2008)
- Over 50s Crucial Crew (2008)
- Operation Abash (2008)
- Operation FALLOW (2008)
- Operation Blight (2008)
- Operation Focus (2006)
- Grafitti: Low Level, High Impact (2006)
- Operation Bearing (2005)
- Operation Mischief (2005)
- Operation Triangle (2005)
- The Edlington Project (2005)
- The Full Monty (2005)
- The White City Project (2003)
- The Autocrime Project (2002)
- Operation Headlight (2002)
- Manor Cross Project (2001)
- Active Changes: Crime and Disorder Reduction Project (2001)
- Rotherham East: Community Safety and Problem-Oriented Policing (2001)
Sovereign Base Areas Police (Dhekelia, Cyprus)
Staffordshire Police (England)
- Lock It, Protect It (2008)
- Biddulph East Project: Operation Fusion (2008)
- Operation Nemesis (2008)
- Binge Drinking New Thinking: A Market Town Approach (2008) (File not available)
- Developing Intelligence Sharing and Problem Ownership (2007)
- The Quinton Escape Project (2007) Finalist
- Operation Sorcerer (2006)
- Operation Clean Up (2006)
- Operation Teamwork (2006)
- Safe and Secure, Twenty-Four Seven (2004) Winner!
- Make It Count Scheme: Partnership Response to Begging in Stoke-on-Trent City Centre (2000) Winner!
- Operation Encompass (2000) Finalist
- Core Nominals (2000)
- Core Nominals (1999)
Strathclyde Police (Glasgow, Scotland)
- Joint Problem Solving in South Lanarkshire (2007)
- Statement of Opinion Unit (2000)
- Domestic Violence Strategy (1999)
- Ch.Y.P.S.: Children and Young People's Safety Initiative (1999)
Suffolk Constabulary (England)
- Operation Breakthrough (2008)
- Home Shield: Help Is Only a Tick Away (2008)
- Children's Resource Centre (2002)
- Kessingland Youth Project 2000 (2002)
- Kirkley Shield: Reducing Burglary Project (2001)
- 'Lowbiza' Safe Club Scene Event for Young People (2001)
- Sudbury Sector COPS (1999)
Surrey Police (England)
- Epsom Safer Pubs and Bars (2008)
- Horsley Youth Project (2007)
- The Mixed Economy of Policing Project (2005)
- Staines Town Centre Night Bus Scheme (2004)
- Intelligence-Led Partnerships (2004)
- Community Incident Action Groups (2004)
- Guildford's Reassurance Policing (2004)
- Operation Zoom (2003)
- Alcohol+Youths+Damage=SignalCrime (2003)
- Surrey Street Standards (2003) (File not available)
- The Trouble with Auto Crime (2000)
- MOLE (Modus Operandi Locate and Evaluate) (2000)
- Area Policing Tactics (1999)
- POP in Partnerships to Deliver a Community Safety Strategy (1999)
- Problem Solving Policing Database (1999)
Sussex Police (England)
- CHaMISS Application (2008)
- Operation Athlete (2008)
- Engage Youth (2008)
- Cutting Acquisitive Crime (2008)
- Tackling the Fear of Crime (2007) Finalist
- Crawley Retail Crime Division Programme (2007)
- Seaford Youth Task Group (2007)
- Operation Crackdown (2007)
- Youth Disorder on Brighton Estate (2007)
- Inspire (2006)
- Operation Reduction (2006)
- Operation Dodger (2005) Winner!
- Enhancing Treatment Outcomes (2005)
- Linden Park Project (2000)
- Organisational Infrastructure Project Category (2000)
- Operation Columbus (1999)
Swansea Youth Offending Service (South Wales, Wales)
Swindon Community Safety Partnership (Wiltshire, England)
Taverham Safer Neighbourhood Team (Norfolk, England)
Tayside Police (Dundee, Scotland)
Thames Valley Police (England)
Warwickshire Police (England)
West Mercia Constabulary (Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire, England)
- Don't Damage Your Communities (2006)
- Offmore/Comberton Urban Safety Initiative (2004)
- Rural Safety Initiative (2002)
- Operation Crystal 'Policing for the Community' (2000)
- The Four Tracks of Policing (1999)
West Midlands Police (England)
- Wolverhampton Safe in the City (2008)
- Operation TAKIS (2008)
- Operation Courier (2008)
- Blitz on Bonfires Campaign (2006)
- Silencing the Guns Across Birmingham (2006)
- ATM Robbery: Creating a Safer Environment (2004)
- Operation Saga (2003)
- Youth-Related Disorder and Anti-Social Behaviour (2002)
- A Safe Route (2002) Winner!
- Vehicle Crime: A Smart Approach (2002)
- A Safer Greets Green: Reducing Antisocial Behaviour (2002)
- A Safer Greets Green: Targeting Street Crime (2002)
- Business Against Crime (2002)
- Problem Solving Management on the D1 OCU (2002)
- Safer Public Travel: Operation Hackney (2000)
- Manor Farm Youth Project (2000)
- Sounds from the POP Beat: Problem-Orientated Policing in Cheylesmore (2000)
- Problem-Orientated Policing in South Coventry: (2000)
- Operation Songsheet: An Initiative to Tackle Domestic Burglary (2000)
- In Search of Evidence: An Integrated and Strategic Approach to Reducing Burglary (1999)
- Problem-Orientated Policing in South Coventry (1999)
- Sector C: The Friar Park Initiative (1999)
West Yorkshire Police (England)
- Exclusion Requirements (2008)
- Operation Wilt: Bradford North (2008) Finalist
- Let's Tackle it Together (2008)
- Crime Reduction in Halifax Town Centre (2008)
- Leeds Weapons Awareness Programme (2006)
- Operation Banrock (East Leeds) (2005)
- Bradford Policing Priority Area Project (2004)
- On the Buses: The Keighley Safe Bus (2003)
- The West Royd Action Plan (2003)
- Operation Peg (2003)
- Hemsworth SRB5 SPARKS (Disaffected Youth) (2001)
- West Yorkshire Putting POP into Practice (1999)