Nick Tilley Biography
Nick Tilley
Nick Tilley is professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University and visiting professor at ...Tilley Awards 2006
Winner! Operation SeaQuest : Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire, UK
Operation Mullion : Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire, UK
Street Population Street drinkers in Camberwell : Metropolitan Police Service, London, UK
Tilley Awards 2005
Winner! Operation Dodger : Sussex Police, Sussex, UK
Mountains into Molehills : Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire, UK
Return of the Happy Shopper : Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire, UK
Tilley Awards 2004
Winner! Safe and Secure, Twenty Four Seven :
Staffordshire Police Department, Staffordshire, UK
Operation Cobra :
Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire, UK
Operation Hercules :
Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Bristol, UK
Tilley Awards 2003
Winner! Campaign 'Get Home Safe':
Police Service of Northern Ireland , Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK
Winner! Problem Solving Process Implementation Programme:
Metropolitan Police Service, London, UK
Winner! Tackling City Centre Assaults in Foyle District Command Unit:
Police Service of Northern Ireland , Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK