Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
POP Project Reports
Herman Goldstein Awards for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing
The Herman Goldstein Award recognizes outstanding police officers and police agencies that engage in innovative and effective problem-solving efforts and achieve measurable success in reducing specific crime, disorder, and public-safety problems.
Search the Goldstein Awards collection
Tilley Awards
The Tilley Award was set up to encourage and recognize good practice in implementing problem-oriented policing (POP) in the United Kingdom.
Unpublished POP Project Reports
Problem Solving Quarterly
Problem Solving Quarterly was a newsletter of the Police Executive Research Forum reporting on innovations in problem-oriented policing, published from 1988 to 2003.
Researcher-Assisted POP Projects
Experimenting with POP in Madison, Wisconsin
- Vol. I The Problem-Oriented Approach to Improving Policing Service PDF
- Vol. II: The Drinking Driver PDF
- Vol. III: Repeat Sex Offenders PDF
- Vol. IV: Reflections on the Process PDF
Applying POP in Charlotte, N.C.
Field Applications of POP Guides
- Burglary of Single-Family Houses in Savannah, Georgia PDF
- Drug Dealing in Apartment Complexes in Newark, N.J. PDF
- Loud Car Stereos in Savannah, Georgia PDF
- Street Prostitution in Raleigh, North Carolina PDF
- Residential Speeding in Raleigh, North Carolina PDF
- Theft of and from Autos in Parking Facilities in Chula Vista, California PDF