Center for Problem-Oriented Policing


Readings on Problem-Oriented Policing

The core readings of problem-oriented policing and situational crime prevention, many online and available for download.

Unpublished Documents

Search our archives of case studies, organizational plans, problem analysis tools, and scholarly reports.

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Special Manuals and Guides

Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers: In 60 Small Steps

By Ronald V. Clarke and John E. Eck

Online / English Version

U.S. English (60 steps) PDF

U.K. English (55 steps) PDF

Multiple language versions 

Intelligence Analysis for Problem Solvers

By John E. Eck and Ronald V. Clarke

Download PDF 6.7 MB

Implementing POP: Leading, Structuring, and Managing a Problem-Oriented Police Agency

By Michael S. Scott and Stuart Kirby

Download PDF 2.5 MB Annotated Bibliography PDF

Effective Policing and Crime Prevention: A Problem-Oriented Guide for Mayors, City Managers, and County Executives

By Joel B. Plant and Michael S. Scott

Download PDF 3.1 MB

Policing Terrorism: An Executive's Guide

By Graeme R. Newman and Ronald V. Clarke

Image removed.  Download PDF 5.4 MB

POP-related Publications

Reducing Fear of Crime: Strategies for Police

By Gary Cordner (2010)

Download (English) PDF 2.8 MB

This guide helps police understand what fear of crime is, why it matters, and why it should be an important target of police attention. The guide provides a number of tools and techniques that should enable any police department to successfully add fear reduction to its operational strategy and organizational bottom line.

Download (Portuguese) PDF 1 MB

A Policymaker's Guide to Building Our Way Out of Crime

By Bill Geller and Lisa Belsky (2009)

This policymaker’s guide is drawn from Building Our Way Out of Crime: The Transformative Power of Police-Community Developer Partnerships, by the same authors, and is aimed at elected and appointed officials at all levels of government, community development leaders, financial investment strategists, private foundation executives, and others. It covers what is known about the effectiveness of such partnerships in controlling crime and disorder, its feasibility in diverse cities, and the policy or political incentives and disincentives to adopting this strategy. It summarizes three crime-reduction and neighborhood revitalization case studies from Providence, Rhode Island; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Download PDF (7MB)

Readings on Situational Crime Prevention and Crime Science 

Background Reading on Situational Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention Studies

 Crime Prevention Studies is published by Lynne Rienner Publishers. Volumes 1-15 are available in full text. Selected chapters are also provided for other volumes. Abstracts of the entire series beginning in 1993 to the present are available.

View the complete list

Crime Science

Publications of the Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science

JDI Brief

JDiBrief is an online library of one-page briefing notes about crime and security problems, and analytical techniques that can be applied to understand them better. Written by experts in their field for practitioners, policy-makers and researchers, these briefing notes present examples of, and recommendations for, effective practice in crime reduction, policing and the security industry. 


Knife Crime: A Problem Solving Guide 

Situational Crime Prevention Evaluation Database

This is a scientifically selected collection of studies that assess the effectiveness of situational crime prevention for diverse problems, contexts and techniques. Many of the studies are available in full text.

Search, browse or analyze the studies online. 



Web sites offering additional useful POP resources

More Resources 

COVID-19 Special Papers 

A series of papers focused on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for police agencies and other organisations with an interest in the topic. Click here to access these papers. 


Common POP terms defined 

Problem-Oriented Private Security

Crime Analysis for Problem Solving Security Professionals in 25 Small Steps

By Karim H. Vellani, CPP, CSC

Download PDF 1 MB

In an easy 25 steps, this manual shows security professionals how to select and implement appropriate countermeasures to reduce the opportunities for the everyday crimes that are the most common threats to assets and targets that security professionals must protect. Drawing on problem-oriented policing and situational crime prevention, the manual is essential reading for security professionals, facility managers, risk managers, property managers, as well as for both public and private police who are concerned with everyday crime problems in business settings.

CRISP reports: Connecting Research in Security to Practice

Published by the ASIS Foundation

Fatigue Effects and Countermeasures in 24/7 Security Operations PDF

Tackling the Insider Threat PDF

Preventing Burglary in Commercial and Institutional Settings: A Place Management and Partnerships Approach PDF

Strategies to Detect and Prevent Workplace Dishonesty PDF

Preventing Gun Violence in the Workplace PDF

Lost Laptops = Lost Data: Measuring Costs, Managing Threats PDF

Organized Retail Crime PDF

From the Ground Up: Security for Tall Buildings PDF

Strategies to Detect and Prevent Workplace Dishonesty PDF

Mass Homicides by Employees in the American Workplace PDF

Situational Crime Prevention and Supply Chain Security PDF

Sports Team Travel Security PDF

Archaeological Site Protection PDF