Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

 Learning Center

Model POP Curriculum

Model POP

An adaptable 14-module undergraduate course, including detailed PowerPoints and links to required texts. It's a complete course, ready to go!

Interview with Herman Goldstein by Samuel Walker

Herman Goldstein

Historic Interview with POP's founder, Herman Goldstein. Interviewed by renowned historian Samuel Walker. In 9 icon

GIS for Public Safety: An Annotated Guide to ArcGIS Tools and Procedures


Crime analysis for problem solving can't be done without understanding location, and that's what GIS is all about. This easy-to-follow manual teaches you all the skills needed to bring you up to speed with this essential tool.

Speeding in Residential Areas


Residential Speeding Presentation (Powerpoint/Video)


Problem Solving: Lessons from Policing

 Sixth Sense Training, United Kingdom

16 short training videos that teach the basics of police problem solving. Developed and delivered by Neil Henson who has extensive experience leading and teaching police problem solving in the London Metropolitan Police Service.

Problem Solver's Handbook (companion guide)




What Is Problem-Oriented Policing?

What is POP?

Problem-oriented policing is an approach to policing in which discrete pieces of police business are subject to microscopic examination in hopes that what is freshly learned about each problem will lead to discovering a new and more effective strategy for dealing with it.

Street Prostitution Learning Module

Prostitution Module

You advise the Mayor on how to address a problem of street prostitution. People are upset. Something must done. A 60-90 minute exercise.


Problem Analysis Module

PAM Problem Analysis Module

Enter a problem and this interactive module will help you solve it step-by-step. Answer a series of questions and the program returns a variety of responses you could try. Best done in a group setting.

**Under construction**

25 Techniques of Situational Crime Prevention PAM Problem Analysis Module

See how the 25 techniques of situational crime prevention work. Learn how to increase the effort for offenders, increase their risks, reduce their rewards, reduce provocation, and remove their excuses.

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