Summary of Responses to Aggressive Driving
The table below summarizes the responses to aggressive driving, the means by which they are intended to work, the conditions under which they should work best, and some factors you should consider before implementing a particular response. It is critical that you tailor responses to local circumstances, and that you can justify each response based on reliable analysis. In most cases, an effective strategy will involve implementing several different responses. Law enforcement responses alone are seldom effective in reducing or solving the problem.
Improving Opportunities for Secure but Convenient Storage | ||||
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Enforcing Traffic Laws | ||||
1 | Deploying surveillance technologies | It increases the probability of detection | ...the problem is well-defined, the response is based on analysis of incident and hot- spot data, environmental issues have already been addressed, and the public is notified and educated before enforcement occurs | Surveillance systems require staff to install and maintain them, officer and staff training in use of equipment and data interpretation, and coordination with your jurisdiction's transportation department |
2 | Conducting high- visibility enforcement | It increases the probability of detection and deters aggressive driving | is done in aggressive driving hot spots and in conjunction with other awareness-raising techniques | It should take place intensively or frequently, both resource-intensive propositions |
3 | Conducting "centipede" enforcement | It increases the probability of detection | ...drivers are generally aware of the enforcement effort, but cannot predict exactly when and where it will occur | It is staff-intensive; it works only as long as drivers continue to be surprised
4 | Conducting enforcement crackdowns | It increases the probability of detection and/or the consequences to the driver | ...locations are selected based on analysis of crime and GIS data | It can be staff-intensive and sometimes practical only on an overtime basis; experienced personnel can be more efficient in detecting aggressive driving |
5 | Referring habitual aggressive drivers to state licensing agencies | It deters aggressive drivers by restricting their driving privileges | ...officers can readily access driving records | Providing access to new data systems can be complex, time-consuming, and costly; drivers may disregard licensing restrictions |
6 | Checking records of portable electronic device use | It increases the probability of linking crashes to aggressive driving behaviors | ...enhanced penalties apply to driving offenses that occur while drivers are using portable electronic devices | Checking device records may be burdensome, so this response should be used when called for by the severity of the offense and/or when a link to distracting technology is clear |
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Enhancing Legislation and Regulation | ||||
7 | Defining and prohibiting aggressive driving in the state vehicle code | It clarifies for drivers and police officers what constitutes aggressive driving and provides for appropriate penalties | ...the statute is based on observable behaviors and not on proving driver intent, and police enforcement is robust | It may require new legislation |
8 | Restricting window tinting | It removes driver anonymity and thereby deters aggressive driving | ...the law restricts tinting of both front and side windows | After-market window tinting combines with factory tinting, so the law must address the percentage of light transmitted inside the vehicle after both types of tinting are applied |
9 | Requiring Intelligent Speed Adaptation systems in large vehicle fleets | It physically restricts vehicles from reaching excessively high speeds | is limited to large vehicle fleets where one organization owns the vehicles and employs the drivers | Regulatory requirements impose a cost burden on private-sector businesses |
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Removing or Modifying Environmental and Situational Triggers | ||||
10 | Timing traffic signals to reduce aggressive driving triggers | It reduces drivers' frustration | is part of an overall effort to reduce environmental triggers of aggressive driving | Traffic engineers must carry it out |
11 | Enhancing traffic- signal and street- sign visibility | It reduces drivers' frustration | is part of a local transportation department's capital improvement plan or annual survey process | It requires equipment purchase, installation, and maintenance funding |
12 | Improving drivers' commute information in congested areas | It reduces drivers' frustration | is focused on areas with congested commute routes | It may require state transportation departments' cooperation |
13 | Clarifying appropriate merging zones | It clarifies driving expectations and thereby reduces drivers' frustration | ...drivers understand and comply with merging directives | It is relatively inexpensive to implement; it would benefit from media exposure for public education |
14 | Providing speed and distance indicators in areas where speeding or tailgating is common | It reminds drivers to drive safely | ...indicators are installed in areas where speeding and tailgating are common | It is relatively inexpensive; it works to raise drivers' internal controls, so it likely will reduce aggressive driving behaviors in average drivers; it is less likely to affect committed aggressive drivers |
15 | Using traffic- calming features in neighborhoods where speeding is common | It makes it more difficult and risky to speed | ...the features are placed in residential neighborhoods and areas where a cohesive physical and visual environment exists or can be created | It is in the purview of neighborhood planners and traffic engineers rather than police, and it is easier to integrate seamlessly when neighborhoods are initially designed. |
16 | Maximizing the use of existing roads | It reduces drivers' frustration due to traffic congestion | is part of a comprehensive traffic-flow strategy | Some of these strategies have large policy implications, such as promoting telecommuting and flexible work schedules; it may require the cooperation of government and corporate leaders |
17 | Modifying physical road features | It reduces drivers' frustration | ...road features are well-designed such that they reduce rather than increase drivers' frustration | Some physical features are very expensive to alter; it should be considered for both new and existing roads |
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Educating Drivers | ||||
18 | Stigmatizing aggressive driving through public information campaigns | It deters aggressive driving through informal social pressure | ...a coordinated, long-term campaign can be funded and implemented, and messages are carefully aimed at specific driver groups and are compelling to target audiences | Media campaigns are expensive and require professional advertising or marketing services; a long-term effort is likely needed |
19 | Addressing aggressive driving in drivers' education curricula | It deters aggressive driving through early education | ... it is undertaken during a routine update to drivers' education curricula | It requires cooperation from state licensing agencies and public and private driving schools |
20 | Providing primary education on avoiding aggressive drivers | It reduces the likelihood of provoking angry drivers to drive aggressively | is part of a coordinated, long-term campaign | Primary education can be expensive and requires the participation of professional advertising and public health specialists |
21 | Training professional drivers in aggressive driving prevention | It deters aggressive driving through education | ...a trainer knowledgeable in aggressive driving prevention conducts the training | It might be made mandatory or offered for free or at a discounted charge |
22 | Encouraging employer monitoring of professional drivers' driving | It deters aggressive driving by increasing the probability of detection and the resulting consequences | ...employers are committed to enforcing companies' driving rules, and fleet insurance rates are reduced by having such programs in place | It requires the cooperation of company executives and fleet managers |
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Enhancing the Consequences of Aggressive Driving | ||||
23 | Requiring anger management treatment for aggressive drivers | It reduces drivers' aggressive reactions to frustration | ...judges and prosecutors support treatment options, effective treatment programs are available in the jurisdiction, and eligible defendants are selected | To reach a critical mass of defendants to justify a treatment contract, program designers may wish to develop referral criteria that consider other offenses, such as reckless and impaired driving, and some nondriving offenses in which anger is a significant contributing factor |
24 | Requiring vehicle-based monitoring systems to enforce driving restrictions | Systems lock ignitions and report drivers' speeding to the courts | …all parties involved agree to their use | They may be expensive to install |
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
Responses With Limited Effectiveness | ||||
25 | Discouraging aggressive driving through general publicity campaigns | Print, radio, Internet and television media can all be employed | …used in conjunction with responses targeted at those most likely to offend | Aggressive drivers tend to underestimate the risk of apprehension and overestimate their driving skills; they are also less likely to be swayed by logic and reason |

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