[1] Geva and Israel (1982).
[2] Brown and Wycoff (1987).
[3]Riley and Mayhew (1980)[Full Text]; Burrows and Heal (1980)[Full Text].
[4]Van Dijk and Steinmetz (1981).
[5] Riley and Mayhew (1980)[Full Text].
[6] Burrows and Heal (1980)[Full Text]; Riley and Mayhew (1980)[Full Text].
[7] Sacco and Trotman (1990).
[8] Riley and Mayhew (1980). [Full Text]
[9] Sacco and Silverman (1982).
[10] Johnson and Bowers (2003).
[11] Simmons and Farrell (1998).
[12] Wortley, Kane, and Gant (1998).
[13] Laycock (1991).
[14] Wortley, Kane, and Gant (1998).
[15] Cornish and Clarke (1986)[Full Text].
[16] www.popcenter.org/Problems/gun_violence/.
[17] Decker (1972); McNees et. al. (1976); Riley & Mayhew (1980)[Full Text]; Riley (1980)[Full Text].
[18] Sacco and Trotman (1990).
[19] Riley and Mayhew (1980). [Full Text]
[20] Laycock and Tilley (1995).
[21] Poyner (1988).
[22] Corbett (2000).
[23] Glendon and Cernecca (2003).
[24] Laycock (1991); Bowers and Johnson (2003)[Full Text].
[25] Simmons and Farrell (1998).
[26] Laycock (1991).
[27] Smith, Clarke, and Pease (2002)[Full Text]; Bowers and Johnson (2003)[Full Text].
[28] Barthe (2004). [Abstract only].
[29] Schaefer and Nichols (1983).
[30] Rice and Atkin (1989).
[31] Schneider and Kitchen (2002).
[32] Winkel (1987).
[33] Hesseling (1994).[Full Text]
[34] Wyllie (1997).
[35] Sacco and Silverman (1982).
[36] Derzon and Lipsey (2002).
[37] Gorelick (1989).
[38] Beck (1998).
[39] Borzekowski and Poussaint (1999).
[40] Atkin, Smith, and Bang (1994).
[41] Scottish Office Central Research Unit (1995).
[42] Schafer (1982).
[43] OMalley (1992).
[44] Atkin, Smith, and Bang (1994).
[45] Holder and Treno (1997).
[46] Derzon and Lipsey (2002).
[47] OKeefe (1986).
[48] Riley and Mayhew (1980). [Full Text]
[49] Riley and Mayhew (1980). [Full Text]
[50] Hallahan (2000).
[51] Johnson and Bowers (2003).
[52] www.aic.gov.au/conferences/cartheft/skelton.pdf.
[53] Kuttschreuter and Wiegman (1998).
[54] Holder and Treno (1997).
[55] Borzekowski and Poussaint (1999).
[56] Palmgreen et al. (1995).
[57] Lavrakas (1986).
[58] Beedle (1984).
[59] Brown and Wycoff (1987).
[60] Williams and Pate (1987).
[61] www.birmingham101.com/101news2002dec4.htm.
[62] www.manchesteronline.co.uk/news/s/25/25557_cops_ warn_yule_be_sorry.html.
[64] Bridgeman (1997).
[65] www.streetwize.com.au/publications_legal.html.
[66] Derzon and Lipsey (2002).
[67] Sacco and Silverman (1982).
[68] Sacco and Silverman (1982).
[69] Mawby and Simmonds (2003).
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