• Center for Problem oriented policing

POP Center Problems  Retaliatory Violent Disputes Appendix C

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Appendix C: Sample Dispute Bulletin

LEGEND: V= Victim      R = Reporter     S = Suspect     NI = Person who was at the scene but not interviewed.



On 9/7/09,                                 was stabbed during a dispute with persons associated with [ADDRESS](Case Number XX-xxxxxx). Since then, there has been an ongoing dispute between residents at [ADDRESS] and [ADDRESS].



Not Included in Quantitative Analysis because of the concern about link:

RE: [ADDRESS] (Case Number XX-xxxxxx) 03/28/10, 00:36

(V1): 5-3-73/[ADDRESS]


(S): m/h/dark vest/light sweatshirt

Suspect fired three shots into the side of the above location. Unknown why S fired at house, investigation continues with an attempt to determine any connection. [ADDRESS]had multiple cameras on the house and captured the S firing shots from in front of [ADDRESS] and then fleeing east bound through the yards. Three .45 caliber casings recovered.


Criminal Mischief: [ADDRESS] (Case Number XX-xxxxxx) 10/04/09, 2:00

(V1): 2/13/75, [ADDRESS] (PK) 10/17/67, [ADDRESS] (NI): 7/14/92

(R): 5/3/73, [ADDRESS]

Vehicles: 1998 Pontiac Bonneville, white, [LICENSE PLATE NO.] & 1996 Ford Taurus, red, [LICENSE PLATE NO.]

R called to report that his girlfriend’s above vehicles were damaged. R states that he came outside and saw that one tire on the Ford was flat and that there was a scratch on the rear drivers side fender. R also saw that 2 driver’s side tires of the Pontiac were slashed.

R.O spoke to Pk who states that he saw NI walk by both vehicles and briefly bend down next to them. Pk knows NI from the neighborhood and knows NI lives at [ADDRESS].


Harassment: [ADDRESS] (Case Number XX-xxxxxx) 09/08/09, 21:20

V: 7/2/96, [ADDRESS] R: 7/18/75, [ADDRESS] S: 1/20/93, [ADDRESS]

R states that she was in her home and V was on the upstairs porch. S walked up to the house and began yelling “pussy bitch come down here and I’ll beat your ass” at V. R immediately called 911 due to ongoing problems with S.


Assault Stabbing: [ADDRESS] (Case Number XX-xxxxxx) 09/07/09, 20:35

V: 5/3/73, [ADDRESS] NI: 10/12/72, [ADDRESS] Pk1: 12/7/89, [ADDRESS] W: 7/18/75, [ADDRESS]

V states on the above date in the area of [ADDRESS] he observed several members of his family including his girlfriend (w) involved in a physical altercation with neighbors and PK1. V states he tried to separate the parties broke the situation escalated. During the altercation V states he was struck in the left side of his stomach with an unknown object by S. V described the S as a M/H with a yellow t-shirt and black shorts. V states he can ID S. NI was identified as a possible S for this crime.


Below is not confirmed as part of dispute, but relevant.

NarcoticsSearchWarrant:[ADDRESS] (Case Number XX-xxxxxx) 09/30/08, 09:15

PK1: [NAME], 7/18/75. [ADDRESS] PK2: [NAME] 9/30/81, [ADDRESS]

On the above date various members of SIS executed a narcotics search warrant at the above address. Pk1 and 2 were in the home along with------ 1/21/80, the search warrant was commenced. The only item located during the search warrant was a black

Marksman BB gun with a brown grip. The warrant was obtained based on the crack cocaine being purchased from this location on 3 separate occasions.

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