• Center for Problem oriented policing

POP Center Problems  Retaliatory Violent Disputes Endnotes

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1 The History Channel (n.d.)

2 Wolfgang (1958); Pizarro (2008).

3 Klofas (2001).

4 Felson and Tedeschi (1993); Griffiths, Yule, and Gartner (2011).

5 Athens (2005), Taylor (2012), Luckenbill (1977).

6 Clarke and Cornish (1985).

7 Kubrin and Weitzer (2003).

8 Wilkinson, Beaty and Lurry (2008).

9 Brunton-Smith and Sturgis (2011).

10 Wilkinson (2003).

11 Black (1983).

12 Anderson (1999).

13 Jacobs and Wright (2006).

14 Jacques and Allen (2015).

15 Topalli, Wright and Forgango (2002).

16 Kivivuori, Savolainen, and Aaltonen (2016).

17 Altheimer and Klofas (2013).

18 Rengifo and Bolton (2012).

19 Kamphuis and Emmelkamp (2005).

20 Copeland-Linder et al. (2012).

21 Anderson (1999).

22 Anderson (1999); Jacobs and Wright (2006).

23 Hughes (2013).

24 Garot (2009).

25 Wilkinson (2003).

26 Planty (2002).

27 Taylor (2012).

28 Anderson (1999).

29 Ritter (2009).

30 Weisburd and Eck (2004).

31 Stewart and Simons (2010).

32 Bruce, Rosigno, and McCall (1998).

33 Reuter (2009); Goldstein (1985).

34 Taylor (2012).

35 Wilkinson (2003). 

36 Jacques and Wright (2011).

37 Jacobs (2004).

38 Jacobs and Wright (2010).

39 Anderson (1999).

40 Cohen and Nisbett (1994).

41 Melde and Esbensen (2013).

42 Katz et al. (2011).

43 Taylor et al. (2008).

44 Decker (1996).

45 Papachristos (2009).

46 Elmquist et al. (2014).

47 Rosenfeld, Jacobs, and Wright (2003).

48 Wilkinson (2003).

49 Merseyside Police (2009).

50 Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center (2012).

51 Kooi (2007).

52 For an example, see Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (2008).

53 Karraker et al. (2011).

54 Ritter (2009).

55 PICO National Network (2016); Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (2008).

56 Boston Police Department (2003).

57 Klofas and Hipple (2006); Hipple et al. (2017)

58 San Diego Police Department (2011).

59 El Paso Police Department (2002).

60 Matthews (2006).

61 Patton et al. (2016).

62 San Diego Police Department (2011).

63 Rosenfeld and Decker (1996).

64 Rosenfeld and Decker (1996).

65 Eck and Clarke (2013).

66 Cincinnati Police Department (2017).

67 Skogan et al. (2009); Webster, Frattaroli and Parker (2014); Ritter (2009).

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