Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
1 Farrell and Bouloukos (2001). [Abstract Only]
2. Kingma (1999).
3. Calculated from data in Sorenson et al. (1991).
4. Simmons and Dodd (2003). [Full Text]
5. Calculated based on one wave of NYS data presented in Lauritsen and Quinet (1995), Table I.
6. Budd (1999). [Full Text]
7. Kinsholt (2001). [Briefing Note]
8. Simmons and Dodd (2003).
9. Calculated from Lloyd, Farrell, and Pease (1994) [Full Text]. The data are referred to as domestic violence calls but it is presumed that these calls are synonymous with domestic violence crime reports.
10. Hanmer, Griffiths, and Jerwood (1999). [Full Text] [Briefing Note]
11. Weisel (2001).
12. Taylor (2004).
13. Matthews, Pease, and Pease (2001). [Full Text]
14. Ratcliffe and McCullagh (1998). [Abstract Only]
15. Calculated based on data from Johnson, Bowers, and Hirschfield (1997). [Abstract Only]
16. Townsley, Homel, and Chaseling (2000). [Full Text]
17. Kleemans (2001). [Abstract Only]
18. Weisel (2001).
19. Calculated based on data in Bowers, Hirschfield, and Johnson (1998). [Abstract Only]
20. Calculated based on data in LeBeau and Vincent (1998). [Abstract Only]
21. Simmons and Dodd (2003).
22. Budd (1999). [Full Text]
23. Mukherjee and Carcach (1998) [Full Text]; Van Dijk (2001) [Abstract Only]; Felson, Messner, and Hoskin (1999); Hotaling and Buzawa (2003) [Full Text].
24. Polvi et al. (1991).
25. Lloyd, Farrell, and Pease (1994). [Full Text]
26. Mathews, Pease, and Pease (2001). [Full Text]
27. Robinson (1998). [Abstract Only]
28. Johnson, Bowers, and Hirschfield (1997). [Abstract Only]
29. Bowers, Hirschfield, and Johnson (1998). [Abstract Only]
30. Burquest, Farrell, and Pease (1992).
31. Clarke, Perkins, and Smith (2001). [Abstract Only]
32. Ashton et al. (1998).
33. Hanmer, Griffiths, and Jerwood (1999). [Full Text] [Briefing Note]
34. Matthews, Pease, and Pease (2001). [Full Text]
35. Kleemans (2001) [Abstract Only]; Trickett et al. (1992); Townsley, Homel, and Chaseling (2000) [Full Text]; Johnson, Bowers, and Hirschfield (1997) [Abstract Only]; Bennett and Durie (1999) [Full Text]; Bennett (1995).
36. Pease and Laycock (1996). [Full Text]
37. Weisel (2001).
38. Trickett et al. (1992); Townsley, Homel, and Chaseling (2000) [Full Text].
39. Calculated from LeBeau and Vincent (1998). [Abstract Only]
40. Boloukos and Farrell (1997).
41. Davis and Maxwell (2003). [Full Text]
42. See Schmerler, Wartell and Weisel (2004) for more guidance on this.
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