Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] Gill (1994); Shapland (1995); Felson and Clarke (1997).
[2] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995).[Full Text ]
[3] Cromwell, Olson and Avary (1991); Butler (1994); Jacques (1994); Wright and Decker (1994); Wiersma (1996).[Full text ][Full Text ]
[4] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995); Butler (1994).[Full Text ][Full text ]
[5] Skogan (1990); Tilley (1993); Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995); Farrell, Chenery and Pease (1998).[Full Text ] [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[6] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995).[Full Text ]
[7] Taylor (1999).
[8] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995).[Full Text ]
[9] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995).[Full Text ]
[10] Redshaw and Mawby (1996); Burrows (1997); Brown (2001).
[11] Reiss (1969); Skogan (1990).
[12] Butler (1994); Walker (1994); Redshaw and Mawby (1996).[Full text ]
[13] Walker (1994); Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995); Perrone (2000).[Full Text ][Full Text ]
[14] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995); Shapland (1995).[Full Text ]
[15] Food Marketing Institute (1997).
[16] Hakim and Shachmurove (1996); Perrone (2000).[Full Text ]
[17] Mirlees-Black and Ross (1995); Shapland (1995).[Full Text ]
[18] Tilley (1993); Tilley and Hopkins (1998). [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ] [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[19] Cromwell, Olson and Avary (1991); Butler (1994); Jacques (1994); Wright and Decker (1994); Wiersma (1996).[Full text ][Full Text ]
[20] Tilley and Hopkins (1998). [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[21] Farrell, Chenery and Pease (1998).
[22] Tilley (1993); Tilley and Hopkins (1998); Bowers and Hirschfield (1998); Taylor (1999). [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ] [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[23] Langworthy and LeBeau (1992).
[24] Clarke (1999); Sutton, Schneider and Hetherington (2001).[Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ] [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[25] Beck and Willis (1995).
[26] Tilley and Hopkins (1998). [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[27] Jacques (1994); Beck and Willis (1995).[Full Text ]
[28] Tilley (1993); Tilley and Hopkins (1998). [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ] [Full Version ] [Briefing Notes ]
[29] Hakim and Blackstone (1997).
[30] Hakim and Blackstone (1997).
[31] Clarke (1997).
[32] Butler (1994).[Full text ]
[33] Crowe (1991); Poyner and Fawcett (1995).
[34] Butler (1994); Wiersma (1996).[Full text ]
[35] Brown (1997).
[36] Griswold (1984).
[37] Beck and Willis (1995).
[38] Greene and Stokes (1998).
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