• Center for Problem oriented policing

POP Center Tools Understanding Theft of 'Hot Products' Endnotes

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[1] See, for example, Cohen and Felson (1979); Gould (1969).

[2] Clarke (1999).

[3] Clarke and Newman (2005).

[4] Felson and Clarke (1998).

[5] Pease (1997).

[6] Wellsmith and Burrell (2005).

[7] Pease (1997).

[8] Ekblom (2008a, 2008b).

[9] Department of Trade and Industry (2000).

[10] Roman and Farrell (2002); Farrell and Roman (2006).

[11] Roman and Chalfin (2008).

[12] Smith (2012).

[13] Mailley et al. (2008).

[14] Ponemon Institute (2011).

[15] Kitteringham (2008).

[16] Ponemon Institute (2008).

[17] Armitage and Pease (2008).

[18] Whitehead and Farrell (2008).

[19] Levi (2008).

[20] Curtin et al. (2005).

[21] Clarke and Harris (1992).

[22] Cherbonneau and Wright (2009).

[23] Brown and Thomas (2003); Farrell et al. (2011).

[24] Clarke and Eck (2003).

[25] Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (2011).

[26] National Insurance Crime Bureau (2012).

[27] Clarke and Harris (1992).

[28] Fitzgerald and Poynton (2011).

[29] Bamfield (2010).

[30] See, for example, Nelson and Perrone (2000).

[31] ECR Europe (2010).

[32] Poyner (2006).

[33] Mailley et al. (2008).

[34] Sidebottom and Bowers (2009).

[35] Pease (2008).

[36] Van Kesteren, Mayhew, and Nieuwbeerta (2000).

[37] Forrester, Chatterton, and Pease (1998).

[38] Clarke and Goldstein (2003).

[39] Smith (2012).

[40] Clarke and Newman (2002).

[41] Sidebottom and Bowers (2009).

[42] Mailley et al. (2008).

[43] Reproduced from Mailley et al. (2008).

[44] Reproduced from Poyner (2006).

[45] Whitehead et al. (2008).

[46] Webb (2005).

[47] Sutton (1995).

[48] Comeau et al. (2011).

[49 Fass and Francis (2004).

[50] Gill and Clarke (2012).

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