Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
Additional Resources
This review of prostitution by the John Howard Society of Alberta discusses factors that lead to involvement in prostitution, legislative options for dealing with the problem, and alternatives to criminalization.
Department of Justice, Canada (1998). Federal / Provincial / Territorial Working Group on Prostitution: Report and Recommendations in respect of Legislation, Policy and Practices Concerning Prostitution-Related Activities. http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/nr/1998/toc.html
Prostitution Research and Education - http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/
Gnagey, J.M. and Leonhard, C. (1994). Travel Restrictions for Convicted Prostitutes. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 36(6):16-26.
May, T., A. Harocopos, and P. J. Turnbull (2001). Selling Sex in the City: An Evaluation of a Targeted Arrest Referral Scheme for Sex Workers in Kings Cross. Social Science Research PapersPDF, No. 14. London: South Bank University.
Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. Controlling Prostitution: A Multi-Modality Approach. http://www.memphiscrime.org/research/whitepapers/wp8.html
In Tampa, Florida, the neighborhood of Southeast Seminole Heights has an organized grass-roots effort to combat prostitution in their community. http://www.geocities.com/dbanghart/prostitution.html
Police in Vancouver, Canada, successfully used a multi-jurisdictional database to track pimps, johns, and prostitutes.
In Fresno, California, johns arrested for the first time were permitted to take a one-day diversionary education program.
The West Palm Beach Police Department, in Florida, has two programs designed to target prostitutes and their customers.
P.R.E.P. Prostitute Relocation and Enforcement Program - http://wpbpolice.tripod.com/prep.html
P.I.P.E. Prostitute Impact Prevention Education - http://www.wpbpolice.org/
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