• Center for Problem oriented policing

POP Center Problems Robbery of Pharmacies Endnotes

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[1] Payne and Dabney (1997).
[2] Basca (2008).
[3] Thomas and Francis (2012).
[4] Thomas and Francis (2012).
[5] Wright (2004), Fitzgerald and Reid (2012), Taylor (2002).
[6] Klein (2012).
[7] Klein (2012).
[8] Eltman (2011).
[9] Klein (2012).
[10] Goodnough (2011).
[11] Executive Office of the President (2011).
[12] Executive Office of the President (2011).
[13] National Drug Intelligence Center (2001).
[14] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2013).
[15] Blevins et al. (2012).
[16] LaBelle, Venzon, and Barthe (2011).
[17] Gebhart (2011).
[18] Gebhart (2011).

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