Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

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Colarossi, A. (1998). "Chicago Alderman Seeks To Soften City's Noise Ordinance, Claiming Ban on Loud Car Music Hurts Retailers." Chicago Tribune, Sept. 30.

Cooke, P., and M. McCampbell (1992). "Noises Out: What It's Doing to You" and "Noises In: The Culture of Victimization." New York, Nov. 2.

Crawford, C. (2000). "Race and Pretextual Stops: Noise Enforcement in Midwest City." Social Pathology: A Journal of Review 6(3):213–227.

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New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority (2000). Proposed Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2000. Regulatory impact statement. Sydney, Australia : New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority, Noise Policy Branch. [Full Text]

New York City Police Department (1994). Police Strategy No. 5: Reclaiming the Public Spaces of New York. New York: City of New York.

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Schultz, S. (1999). "Battle of the Boom Box." Governing 13(Oct.):37–38.

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Sickler-Hart, D. (1997). Analysis of Albuquerque, New Mexico's Ambient Noise and Albuquerque Environmental Health's Noise Control Program. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Citizens Noise Advisory Group of Greater Albuquerque. [Full Text]

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Zwerling, E. (1996). "Turning Down the Volume: Effective Strategies for Community Noise Enforcement." Police Chief 63(12):53, 54–55, 59.

Zwerling, E., D. Pinto, P. Hanna, J. Lepis, and B. Turpin (n.d.). Local Noise Enforcement Options and Model Noise Ordinance: With Preapproved Language for the State of New Jersey. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University. [Full Text]

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