Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
Related POP Projects
Important! The quality and focus of these submissions vary considerably. With the exception of those submissions selected as winners or finalists, these documents are unedited and are reproduced in the condition in which they were submitted. They may nevertheless contain useful information or may report innovative projects.
"Arrive Alive" Sober Driving Coalition Program, California Highway Patrol (USA), 2012
WSP District 6 Basin Triangle Project, Washington State Patrol (USA), 2012
Saving Lives with Traffic Safety, Cincinnati Police Department (Ohio, USA), 2011
Skagit Community Connection, Washington State Patrol (USA), 2011
Yakama Nation Outreach, Washington State Patrol (USA), 2010
DUI Aerial Response Team (DART), Washington State Patrol (USA), 2009
Cape Horn Project, Washington State Patrol (USA), 2007
Merseyside Roads Casualty Reduction Project, Merseyside Police (UK), 2007
Reduction in Alcohol Related Fatal and Injury Crashes, Virginia Beach Police Department (Virginia, USA), 2002
Drink Link, Lancashire Constabulary (UK), 1999
Drive Safe, Drive Sober, Naperville Police Department (Illinois, USA), 1998
FIT to Drive (Free Intoxilizer Test), Wichita Police Department (Kansas, USA), 1998
Solo Motorcycle Detail DUI Enforcement Team, Honolulu Police Department (Hawai'i, USA), 1997
Last Drink Program, Peel Regional Police (Ontario, Canada), 1996, Goldstein Award Finalist
Operation Lookout, Peel Regional Police (Ontario, Canada), 1995
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