Tilley Awards 2005
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Winner! Operation Dodger
Sussex Police, Sussex, UK
This project began as a result of persistent complaints regarding the activities of persons engaged in street drinking and begging which prompted a dramatic increase in fear of crime. Analysis indicated that many of the offenders had drug or alcohol addictions or had suffered mental health issues. In response, a regular multi-agency conference was convened that would decide upon action plans for each individual to address their behavior. Monthly Street audits were conducted to count and help identify individuals engaged in begging or street drinking. A target to reduce begging by 60% by the end of March 2005 was set. In a 15 month period, the number of observed beggars was reduced from 33 to just 3, a 90% reduction. Street drinking hotspots decreased from 18 to 5, with the numbers of persons engaged in street drinking being reduced from 158 to 70.
Mountains into Molehills
Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire, UK
Lancashire Constabulary receives over 9000 missing person reports annually. Investigating these cases is very resource intensive and a paper-based missing person system meant that it was not possible to conduct meaningful analysis. This initiative involved the creation of an advanced computerized missing person case management system. It also included an extensive literature review and problem profiles prepared by intelligence analysts. Each case involved the police, on average, in over 20 separate tasks and cost over 1000. The police-led multi-agency response involved the collection and sharing of data about persistent young-runaways and the care homes they came from leading to groundbreaking multi-agency tasking, coordination and performance management. This initiative reduced 'young-runaway' cases by 32.5% in its first year and is on target to reduce by a further 18% in year two. In the first quarter of 2005 the project was rolled out, leading to a force-wide reduction in 'young-runaway' cases of 27%. Lancashire expects efficiency savings of up to 1 million in 2005. A 'What Works' toolkit has been developed which has helped spread good practice.
Return of the Happy Shopper
Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire, UK
The Callon estate in Preston was in the top 2% of deprived communities in England. The Happy Shopper was the only shop serving the community and whilst an essential community resources, experienced a high level of crime and racism. In September 2003, new owners took over and levels of theft, racial crime and anti-social behavior escalated. Gang culture prevailed, customer numbers dwindled and the community was too scared to use their local shop. In partnership with the shop owners, Preston City Council and local residents the police instigated multi-agency problem-solving approach with a range of responses to reinstate the shop as the heart of the community, cut crime and the fear of crime and bring offenders to justice. The results include a 90% reduction in theft, shop revenue increased by 600%, 22 warnings were issued under the Protection from Harassment Act, 10 ASBOs were been issued and 20 Acceptable Behavior Contracts, as well as developing a thriving tenants group and Kids Club.