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    POP Center Problems Carjacking Endnotes

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    [1] Klaus (1999, p. 1).

    [2] Young and Borzycki (2008).

    [3] Morewitz (2019); Wood Harper & Walsh (2011).

    [4] Klaus (2004).

    [5] Klaus (2004); Rand (1994).

    [6] Jacobs (2013); see also Young and Borzycki (2008).

    [7] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023).

    [8] Fies (2020); Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Main (2021a, 2021b); Rasa (2020); University of Chicago Crime Lab (2023).

    [9] Robertson (2022); Young and Borzycki (2008); Altbeker (2006).

    [10] Harrell (2022).

    [11] Jacobs (2013); Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023).

    [12] Cherbonneau and Copes (2003).

    [13] Harrell (2022); Klaus (2004).

    [14] Cesar and Decker (2017).

    [15] Klaus (1999).

    [16] Felson et al. (2022); Cesar and Decker (2017); Miethe and Sousa (2010) Carmichael, (n.d.); Jacobs, Topalli and Wright (2003).

    [17] Topalli, Jacques and Wright (2015).

    [18] Felson et al. (2022, p. 109).

    [19] Miethe and Sousa (2010).

    [20] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (2004); Rand (1994); Miethe and Sousa (2010); Davis (2003); Harrell (2022).

    [21] Miethe and Sousa (2010); Davis (2003).

    [22] Rand (1994); Klaus (2004); Miethe and Sousa (2010).

    [23] Davis (2003).

    [24] Jacobs (2013); Copes, Hochstetler and Cherbonneau (2012).

    [25] Miethe and Sousa (2010).

    [26] Rand (1994); Miethe and Sousa (2010); New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting Unit (2002, 2016); Klaus (2004); Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2022); Davis (2003); Donahue, McLaughlin, and Damm (1994).

    [27] Robertson (2022); University of Chicago Crime Lab (2023).

    [28] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (2004); Miethe and Sousa (2010); New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting Unit (2002, 2016); Rand (1994); Donahue, McLaughlin, and Damm (1994).

    [29] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (1999); New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting Unit (2002, 2016); Rand (1994); Davis (2003); Harrell (2022); Copes, Hochstetler and Cherbonneau (2012).

    [30] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (2004); New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting Unit (2002, 2016); Rand (1994); Carmichael (n.d).

    [31] Rand (1994); Klaus (1999).

    [32] Harrell (2022).

    [33] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (2004; Lersch (2017); Miethe and Sousa (2010); Rand (1994); Felson et al. (2022).

    [34] Lersch (2017).

    [35] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023); Klaus (1999); Rand (1994).

    [36] Davis (2003).

    [37] Rand (1994); Klaus (1999).

    [38] Davis (2003).

    [39] New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting Unit (2002, 2016).

    [40] Deenihan (2021); Cesar and Decker (2017); Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2018); Young and Borzycki (2008).

    [41] Morewitz (2019).

    [42] Jacobs (2013); Topalli and Wright (2004).

    [43] Cesar and Decker (2017).

    [44] Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2023).

    [45] Young and Borzycki (2008).

    [46] Clarke (1999); Main (2021a).

    [47] Cesar and Decker (2017); Jacobs, Topalli and Wright (2003); Jacobs and Cherbonneau (2018, 2019, 2023); Robertson (2022).

    [48] Cesar and Decker (2017).

    [49] Johnson et al. (2018).

    [50] Clarke and Eck (2016).

    [51] Brown (2022).

    [52] Abrahamse et al. (1991); Johnson et al. (2018); Martin and Sherman (1986).

    [53] Felson et al. (2022); Jacobs (2012).

    [54] Miethe and Sousa (2010).

    [55] Lersch (2017).

    [56] Main (2021b); Felson et al. (2022).

    [57] Dilli Babu et al. (2020); Virojboonkiate et al. (2019).

    [58] University of Chicago Crime Lab (2023); The Economist (2022). 

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