POP Center Tools Using CPTED in Problem Solving Page 8
CPTED and the Problem-Solving Process: Re-Examining the Three Introductory Cases
The introduction of this guide used three cases to illustrate the potential applications of crime prevention through environmental design as a problem-solving tool. The guide then offered an overview of CPTED principles and a guide for problem-solving, including data collection, stakeholder participation, and the evaluation of crime-environment relationships. This section returns to those three original cases as a way to examine the process in greater detail. As a reminder the three problems are:
Case #1: Smoking, drinking and vandalism in a high school lavatory.
Case #2: Graffiti on the back wall of an office center.
Case #3: Robbery of nighttime ATM patrons.
Table 3 examines each of these cases in greater detail. The table is divided into four rows, one for each step of the SARA process, and each row is divided into the steps of a CPTED analysis. For example, scanning includes understanding the problem, identifying stakeholders, and deciding on a process to engage stakeholders in problem-solving. While items like stakeholder interviews are consistent across the three cases, each case has its own unique set of stakeholders. The high school case could also make use of a CPTED task force for problem-solving.
The analysis row offers some detail on the kinds of data that could and should be collected. In the first two cases (both of which are about vandalism), maintenance reports rather than crime reports are critical. Population data are not necessary for the school case because this problem involves only the high school students, faculty, staff and administrators. The two other cases consider user populations rather than the more general community. Community involvement would only be appropriate if these problems were spread over a larger geographic area.
Policies and procedures are an important consideration in all three cases. More types of policies appear relative to the high school lavatory case, as this problem involves lunchtime cafeteria and building use, faculty monitoring assignments, and school rules regarding student behaviors like smoking and drinking.
The response row is divided into three additional segments that distinguish between the three CPTED strategies of natural access control, natural surveillance, and territorial reinforcement. Note that some of the strategies listed on the table were not actually employed as responses to the problem (based on the descriptions in the introduction), possibly because they were too expensive, would take too long to implement, or were otherwise unacceptable.
The assessment row lists a variety of outcomes that might be experienced as a result of strategy implementation. The goal is to remove or reduce crime and other problem behaviors, but it is also possible for problems to move to a new location or change in character as a result of an intervention. In the worst case scenario, the problem continues, even after the strategies have been put into place.
The table is provided as a way to organize thinking about problems and problem-solving using CPTED. It demonstrates why each problem deserves its own detailed examination, one that focuses on the unique circumstances in which that problem is situated. When intervention strategies are specific to the problem they are more likely to be successful.
Table 3. CPTED and the Problem-solving Process. Three Case Examples.
| Case #1 | Case #2 | Case #3 |
SCANNING: | Problem | smoking, drinking and vandalism in a high school lavatory reported by custodial workers | tagging and graffiti at the back of an office center noted by property managers | nighttime ATM patron robberies reported to police |
Stakeholders |
| |
Process |
| |
ANALYSIS: | Crime Data |
Population Characteristics |
| |
Land Use and Development Patterns |
| |
Traffic, Transportation and Transit Systems |
| |
Resident or User Surveys, Stakeholder Interviews |
| |
On-Site Behavioral Observations |
| |
Safety Audits and Security Surveys |
| |
RESPONSE: | Opportunities to Control Access |
Options for Providing Opportunities to See and Be Seen |
| |
Opportunities to Define Ownership and Use, and Encourage the Maintenance of Territory |
| |
ASSESSMENT: | Possible Scenarios to Look For Over the Long-Term |