[1] Walsh (1976).
[2] Sutton (1998), p. 68.
[3] Plate (1975); Sutton (1995).
[4] Kerckhoff and Kleinknecht (1980); Walsh (1976).
[5] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[6] Sutton (2008, 2003a, 1998).
[7] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[8] Walsh (1976); Pennell (1979); Weiner, Besachuch, and Stephens (1981); Harris, Hale, and Uglow (2003); Hale et al. (2004); Sutton (2008, 1995).
[9] Reuter (1990, 1985); Venkatesh (2006); Rosenfeld (2009).
[10] Tremblay, Clermont, and Cusson (1994).
[11] Sutton (1998).
[12] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[13] Sutton (1998); Felson (2002).
[14] Sutton (2008, 2003a).
[15] Sutton (1998).
[16] Sutton (2002).
[17] Sutton (2008, 2003a, 1998).
[18] Johnson, Natarajan, and Sanabria (1993); Clarke (1999).
[19] Sutton (2003a); Gill et al. (2004); McKinnon (2006); Nahmias (2006); NACS (2007); Talamo (2007); Reno (2008); Finucane (2009).
[20] Clarke (1999).
[21] Tremblay, Clermont, and Cusson (1994); Sutton and Schneider (1999); Gill et al. (2004).
[22] Sutton (2008); Sutton, Schneider, and Hetherington (2001): Schneider (2005b, 2003).
[23] Pease (2002).
[24] Sutton (1998); Felson (2002).
[25] Langworthy and Lebeau (1992); Sutton (1998).
[26] Sutton (2008, 2003a).
[27] Steffensmeier (1986); Sutton (2008).
[28] Sutton, Hodgkinson, and Levi (2008).
[29] Pengelly (1996).
[30] Henry (1981); Hobbs (1989); Foster (1990); Sutton (1998).
[31] Henry (1981, 1978); Parker, Bakx, and Newcombe (1988); Hobbs (1989); Foster (1990); Sutton (2003b, 1995); Clarke (1999); Felson (2002).
[32] Bennett, Holloway, and Williams (2001).
[33] Sutton (2008, 2003a, 1998).
[34] Struzzi (1998).
[35] Sutton, Hodgkinson, and Levi (2008).
[36] Ferman, Henry, and Hoyman (1987); Auld, Dorn, and South (1986).
[37] Sutton (2008, 2003a).
[38] Sutton (1998).
[39] Eck (1994).
[40] Blakey and Goldsmith (1976).
[41] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[42] Lewis (2006).
[43] Webby (2008).
[44] Lanter (1999); Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[45] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005).
[46] Cromwell, Olson, and Avery (1993); Sutton (1998).
[47] Cromwell, Olson, and Avery (1993).
[48] Stevenson and Forsythe (1998); Sutton (1998).
[49] Wright and Decker (1994).
[50] Sutton, Schneider, and Hetherington (2001).
[51] Hale et al. (2004).
[52] Ekblom, Law, and Sutton (1996).
[53] Hale et al. (2004); Pengelly (1997).
[54] Walsh (1976).
[55] Hale et al. (2004).
[56] Sutton (2008); Sutton et al. (2007); Hale et al. (2004); Harris, Hale, and Uglow (2003).
[57] Walsh (1976); Weiner, Besachuch, and Stephens (1981).
[58] Harris, Hale, and Uglow (2003).
[59] Walsh (1976).
[60] Steffensmeier and Ulmer (2005); Sutton (2008, 2003a, 1998).
[61] Hale et al. (2004).
[62] Talamo et al. (2007).
[63] Hale et al. (2004).
[64] Larsen (n.d.); Justice Technology Information Network (2007).
[65] Sutton (2008).
[66] Weiner, Besachuch, and Stephens (1981).
[67] Schmitt (2003).
[68] Webby (2008).
[69] Sutton et al. (2007).
[70] Harris, Hale, and Uglow (2003).
[71] Eckersley (2003).
[72] Whitehead and Gray (1998); Sutton, Schneider, and Hetherington (2001).
[73] Skelton (2005).
[74] Webby (2008).
[75] Langworthy and LeBeau (1992); (Sutton 2008, 2003a).
[76] Langworthy (1989); Langworthy and LeBeau (1992); Pennell (1979). For contrary evidence, see Raub (1984).
[77] Langworthy and LeBeau (1992).
[78] Sutton (2003a, 1998); Felson (2002).
[79] For example, see Cotter and Burrows (1981).
[80] Smith, Sheridan, and Yurcisin (1991).
[81] Knutsson (1984) ; Sutton (1998); Harris, Hale, and Uglow (2003); Hale et al. (2004); Bent Society (2008).
[82] Whitehead and Gray (1998).
[83] Sutton (2003b, 2008)
[84] Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate (2004).
[85] Schneider (2005a).
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