Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

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Summary of Responses to Speeding in Residential Areas

The table below summarizes the responses to speeding in residential areas, the mechanism by which they are intended to work, the conditions under which they should work best, and some factors you should consider before implementing a particular response. It is critical that you tailor responses to local circumstances, and that you can justify each response based on reliable analysis. In most cases, an effective strategy will involve implementing several different responses. Law enforcement responses alone are seldom effective in reducing or solving the problem.

Response No.ResponseHow It WorksWorks Best If...Considerations
Engineering Responses
1Using traffic-calmingMakes it more difficult for vehicles to speed, or makes drivers believe they should slow down for safety…road and environment changes are made in compliance with recommended specifications, the affected public supports the changes, and potential negative impacts are considered and minimizedSome changes to the environment require high capital expenditures; cost-effectiveness must be considered over the long term
2Posting warning signs and signalsEncourages drivers to slow down by reminding them of the speed limit and calling their attention to hazards on the road ahead...the signs or signals stand out from other road signage, they convey the reason for the reduced speed, and they are supplemented by police enforcementWhere there are many other signs and sights competing for drivers' attention, it is not easy to get drivers to notice speed warnings
3Blending motor and non-motor vehicle uses of public space through urban designReduces the traditional separation between motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians, greatly reducing motorists' speed...urban planners have the funds to change urban design, and drivers are willing to reduce their speedSome jurisdictions may not have the funds to change urban design; some drivers may still refuse to adhere to posted speed limits
Response No.ResponseHow It WorksWorks Best If...Considerations
Education Responses
4Conducting anti-speeding public awareness campaignsIntended to change the social acceptability of speeding...campaigns are carefully tailored for various target audiences (e.g., commuters, young male drivers)Effects are usually not immediate and substantial; the messages need not be overtly accusatory, but may convey facts about the dangers and consequences of speeding to debunk myths about speed and driving
5Informing complainants about actual speedsImproves complainants' understanding of the exact nature of the suspect that complaints are exaggerated or unrealisticProving that vehicles are traveling the speed limit does not necessarily mean that speeds are appropriate for conditions, but might suggest that responses other than enforcement are more appropriate
6Providing realistic driver trainingHelps drivers better appreciate speed's effects on their ability to control a vehicle...drivers can actually feel speed's effects on their driving skillsRequires skilled instructors, special safety equipment and protected driving areas
Response No.ResponseHow It WorksWorks Best If...Considerations
Enforcement Responses
7Enforcing speeding lawsIncreases drivers' risks of being stopped...drivers believe it will occur, it has meaningful costs to offenders, police apply it generally rather than only at specific times and locations, and drivers are not tipped off by cues as to when enforcement is or is not happeningRequires a lot of resources initially to change drivers' perceived risks of getting stopped; giving the public advance notice must be balanced against not allowing drivers to anticipate where and when enforcement is occurring; expensive to do consistently
8Enforcing speeding laws with speed camerasSignificantly increases the level of speed monitoring and enforcement, thus increasing drivers' perceptions of the risk of getting caught speeding, and serving as a placement is not too obvious, and locations are changed periodicallyDrivers slow down when they know they are approaching a speed camera, but quickly speed up once they have passed it; some strong public concerns exist about invasions of privacy and absence of personal interaction in enforcement; usually requires special legislative authorization for cameras' use as evidence in prosecution; financial issues exist related to fees and uses of fine revenue
9Using speed display boardsEncourages drivers to slow down by measuring vehicle speeds and prominently displaying them...a high percentage of drivers speed inadvertently, and police enforcement supplements the speed display boardsUnattended speed display boards are vulnerable to vandalism
10Arresting the worst offendersHelps change the common belief that speeding is not a serious offense...sufficient public support existsMay require special legislative and policy authorization
11Having citizen volunteers monitor speedingEnhances informal social disapproval of speeding...citizens directly affected by the speeding participateCitizens must be properly trained for the specific tasks
Response No.ResponseHow It WorksWorks Best If...Considerations
Responses With Limited Effectiveness
12Reducing speed limitsIntended to slow drivers' speeds through posted signs and police enforcement...adequate levels of police enforcement existReducing speed limits by itself will reduce average speeds only by small amounts; some speed limits are too low rather than too high, inviting disrespect for them; police should conduct careful speed studies before changing speed limits
13Increasing fines and penaltiesCreates meaningful consequences for speeders, thereby deterring all drivers, generally, and those cited, specifically...the fines and penalties are set high enough to get drivers' attention, but not so high as to compromise public support for themBeyond a certain threshold, higher fines and penalties do not continue to reduce speeds
14Erecting stop signs  The effects are to increase speeds mid-block and increase noise from vehicle acceleration
15Installing speed bumps or rumble strips  They do not reduce speeds directly, but merely warn drivers of hazards ahead
16Reengineering vehiclesTechnological devices can restrict vehicles' maximum speed, automatically notify authorities that vehicles are speeding, or trigger warning signals to drivers when they are speeding...consumers are willing to accept this technology and pay for itTo date, few vehicles or roads are equipped with this technology, and public support for it is not yet certain
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