Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
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Hamilton-Baillie, B., and P. Jones (2005). "Improving Traffic Behaviour and Safety Through Urban Design." Paper 14014. Proceedings of ICE: Civil Engineering 158(May):39–47.
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Leggett, L. (1997). "Using Police Enforcement To Prevent Road Crashes: The Randomised Scheduled Management System." In R. Homel (ed.), Policing for Prevention: Reducing Crime, Public Intoxication and Injury. Crime Prevention Studies, Vol. 7. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. [Full Text]
Los Angeles Police Department (1996). "West Traffic Division." Submission for the Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. See also, Helfand, D. (1996). "Gunning for Speeders." Los Angeles Times, April 4, p. B1. [Full Text]
Lyall, S. (2006). "Cameras Catch Speeding Britons and Lots of Grief." New York Times, October 27.
Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning (n.d.). "Speed Control in Residential Areas." Report of the Residential Area Speed Control Ad Hoc Committee of the Traffic Engineering and Enforcement Committee. Lansing, Michigan: Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2004). "National Survey of Speeding and Unsafe Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002, Volume II." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation.
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Volume II Driver Attitudes and Behavior
Cover and Table of Contents [Full Text]
Chapters 1 & 2 [Full Text]
Chapter 3 [Full Text]
Chapter 4 [Full Text]
Chapter 5 [Full Text]
Chapter 6 [Full Text]
Chapter 7 [Full Text]
Chapter 8 [Full Text]
Chapter 9 [Full Text]
Volume III Countermeasures
Cover and Table of Contents [Full Text]
Chapter 1 [Full Text]
Chapter 2 [Full Text]
Chapter 3 [Full Text]
---- (1997). "Speed Management Work Plan." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Transportation. [Full Text]
Raleigh (N.C.) Police Department (2003). "A Problem-Oriented Approach to Speeding in a School Zone." Submission for the Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Published also as Weisel, D. (2004). "Residential Speeding in Raleigh, North Carolina. A Final Report to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community- Oriented Policing Services on the Field Applications of the Problem-Oriented Guides Project." [Full Text]
Retting, R., C. Farmer and A. McCartt (2008). Evaluation of Automated Speed Enforcement in Montgomery County, Maryland. Arlington, Virginia: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
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TranSafety (1998). "Study Reports on the Effectiveness of Photo Radar and Speed Display Boards." Road Injury Prevention and Litigation Journal. [Full Text]
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U.K. Department for Transport (2007). "Traffic Calming." Local Transport Note 1/07. London: The Stationery Office.
U.K. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1999). "Kill Your Speed Campaign." January/February.
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Ullman, G., and E. Rose (2005). "Evaluation of Dynamic Speed Display Signs." Transportation Research Record 1918:92–97.
---- (1997). "Warnings Combined With Enforcement Can Reduce Speeding." Road Management Journal.
Wisconsin Transportation Information Center (1999). "Setting Speed Limits on Local Roads." Wisconsin Transportation Bulletin No. 21. Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Transportation Information Center. [Full Text]
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