• Center for Problem oriented policing

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Appendix B: Rave-Related Drugs


Drug Nicknames

Drug Type

Intended Pleasurable Effects

Possible Harmful Effects


Ingestion Method

MDMA (3,4-methyl-enedioxymeth-amphetamine); illicit manufacturing makes it difficult for users to know the exact contents

Ecstasy, XTC, E, X, Adam, love drug, hug drug, roll

Stimulant (ampheta-mine)

hybrid and mild hallucino-gen

Reduction of inhibitions;  feelings of empathy, well-being and relaxation; elimination of anxiety;

enhancement of self-esteem and confidence; intensification of touch and taste senses; suppression of appetite and the need for sleep

Dehydration, hyperthermia (body temperatures can reach 109˚ F), profuse sweating, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), jaw-clenching and teeth-grinding, loss of consciousness, damage to brain  cells,  permanent brain damage, anxiety, paranoia, depression, learning difficulties, confusion, memory loss, fatigue, kidney failure (difficulty producing urine), hyponatraemia,  skin disorders

$10 to $50 (U.S.) per dose

Taken orally, usually in tablet or capsule form; can be snorted,  injected or taken in suppository form


K, special K, super K, K-hole, CVR, cat Valium

Veterinary and human anesthetic

Hallucinations, feelings of mellowness

Delirium, amnesia, depression, loss of long-term memory,  fatal respiratory problems, loss of motor control, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, loss of sense of time, inability to feel pain, psychological addiction

$20 per dose

Can be injected, applied to smokable material, snorted, or consumed in drinks; sometimes marketed as ecstasy

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate)

Liquid ecstasy, soap, easy lay, Georgia homeboy, grievous bodily harm, liquid X, goop, saltwater, scoop, blue nitro, gamma 10, cherry meth, G juice, great hormones, G-riffick,  vita-G

Central nervous system depressant (anesthe-tic);

stimulates muscle growth

Feelings of euphoria and intoxication, aphrodisiac (cited as a date-rape drug)

Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances, loss of consciousness, amnesia, vomiting,  severe respiratory depression, slowed heart rate, seizures, coma, sleep disturbances, aggression, impaired judgment

$5 to $10  per dose

Taken orally, usually mixed with other liquids

Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)

Roofie, rophie, roche, roach, roach-2, R-2, rib, roopie, rope, ropie, ruffie, forget-me pill, circle, Mexican Valium

Sleeping pill and preanes-thetic medication

Intoxication without a hangover

Amnesia, decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances, urinary retention

$5 to $20 per tablet

Taken orally

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)

Acid, boomer, yellow sunshine, cid, dose, trip, hit, purple haze, microdot, or any number of names associated with the graphic design on blotter paper


Hallucinations, feelings of relaxation

Frightening hallucinations, panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, flashbacks, nausea, impaired distance perception, unpredictable behavior

$1 to $10 per dose

Taken orally, usually in small tablet form, in gelatin squares or on blotter paper

Sources include Weir (2000) [Full text]; Lenton, Boys and Norcross (1997); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (2000 )[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2001) [Full text]; National Institute on Drug Abuse (2001) [Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000) [Full text]; Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2000) [Full text]; Spruit (1999); and National Drug Intelligence Center (2001). [Full text]

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