Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] Lacey et al. (2009).
[2] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2010).
[3] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2010).
[4] O'Malley and Johnston (2007).
[5] Lacey et al. (2009).
[6] O'Kane, Tutt, and Bauer (2002).
[7] Bernhoft et al. (2005).
[8] Beasley, Beirness, and Porath-Waller (2011).
[9] Poulsen (2010).
[10] Elliott, Woolacott, and Braithwaite (2009).
[11] Officer (2009). But see Beasley, Beirness, and Porath-Waller (2011) for a somewhat different age distribution among Canadian offenders and victims.
[12] O'Malley and Johnston (2007).
[13] Begg, Langley, and Stephenson (2003).
[14] Karjalainen et al. (2011).
[15] Fergusson, Horwood, and Boden (2008).
[16]Lenne et al. (2001).
[17] Li et al. (2011).
[18] Bingham, Shope, and Zhu (2008); Brookoff et al. (1994); Hausken, Skurtveit, and Christophersen (2004); Ramaekers (2003).
[19] Jones, Shinar, and Walsh (2003).
[20]National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2012b).
[21] Ibid.
[22] Normand, Lempert, and O'Brien (1994).
[23] Kelly, Darke, and Ross (2004).
[24] Abramson and Haines (2012).
[25] Couper and Logan (2004).
[26] Lenne et al. (2001).
[27] Aitken, Kerger, and Crofts (2000).
[28] Kelly, Darke, and Ross (2004).
[29] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2009).
[30] Degenhardt et al. (2006).
[31] Cartwright and Asbridge (2011).
[32] Calafat et al. (2009).
[33] Cartwright and Asbridge (2011).
[34] White (2003).
[35] Kerrigan (2004).
[36] DuPont (2011).
[37] Grotenhermen et al. (2005).
[38] Lacey, Brainard, and Snitow (2010).
[39] Walsh Group (2002).
[40] Voas (2006).
[41] Loudenburg, Drube, and Leonardson (2010); Cissner (2009).
[42] Eibner et al. (2006).
[43] Caulkins and DuPont (2010).
[44]Compton (1986).
[45] Hersch, Crouch, and Cook (2000).
[46] Farrell, Kerrigan, and Logan (2007).
[47] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (1996).
[48] Darke, Kelly, and Ross (2004).
[49] Ulmer, Shabanova, and Preusser (2001).
[50] Boorman and Owens (2009).
[51] Freeman et al. (2008).
[52] McKnight and Voas (2001).
[53] International Association of Chiefs of Police (n.d.).
[54] Talpins and Hayes (2004).
[55] Smith et al. (2002).
[56] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2004).
[57] DeYoung (1997).
[58] Leaf and Preusser (2011).
[59] Sweedler and Stewart (n.d.).
[60] Whittle (2000).
[61] Shaffer (2011).
[62] Macdonald et al. (2008).
[63] Bonta, Wallace-Capretta, and Rooney (2000).
[64] Mothers Against Drunk Driving (2005).
[65] Office of National Drug Control Policy (2011).
[66] Lacey et al. (2009).
[67] Davey et al. (2008).
[68] Watling et al. (2010).
[69] Fergusson and Horwood (2001).
[70] Hanson (2012).
[71] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2012a).
[72] Couper and Logan (2004).
[73] Jolin and Stipak (1992).
[74] Fulkerson (2003).
[75] Skopp et al. (1996).
[76] White and Gasperin (2006).
[77] Nichols and Ross (1990).
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