Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

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Additional Resources

Morrison, Brenda (2002) "Bullying and victimisation in schools: a restorative justice approach." [PDF] Trends and Issues, No. 219. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Rigby, Ken (2002). A Meta-Evaluation of Methods and Approaches to Reducing Bullying in Pre-School and Early Primary School in Australia. [PDF] Canberra: Attorney-General's Department.

----- "Preventing Peer Victimisation in Schools." 

Additional reports on school crime and safety are available from the National Center for Education Statistics website at

Information about the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence model Bullying Prevention Program can be found at

Stop Bullying Now! This website focuses on reducing school bullying among the 'tweens population (the middle school years) with excellent resources for both teachers and children. Found at: indexAdult.asp?Area=additionalresources

Abstracts of publications that have appeared since this guide was written

Bullying prevention is crime prevention. Fox, J.A., D.S. Elliott, R.G. Kerlikowske, S.A. Newman, and W. Christeson (2003). Washington, D.C.: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids.

This report examines the nature and extent of bullying in the U.S., and identifies effective anti-bullying/anti-aggression prevention programs. Of children in sixth through tenth grade, more than 3.2 million (nearly one in six) are victims of bullying each year, while 3.7 million bully other children. Preventing kids from becoming bullies and intervening to stop bullying, however, can not only protect children from the pain that bullying inflicts immediately, but can protect all of us from crime later on. Whereas programs have been developed that can cut bullying and future arrests by as much as fifty percent, these programs need to be implemented in America's schools. In particular, three models have been rigorously tested and proven highly effective: the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT), and The Incredible Years. Whereas these programs are relatively inexpensive, especially considering the results they deliver, they should also be considered investments, which will more than pay for themselves through reduced school violence, fewer placements for special education, fewer suicides and less future crime. Inaction now guarantees that more students and ordinary citizens will become victims of bullying and violence, hence it is time to ensure that every school in America has an effective anti-bullying program.

The Nature and Extent of Bullying at School. Dake, J.A., J.H. Price, and S.K. Telljohann (2003). Journal of School Health, 73(5):173-180.

In elementary schools, the prevalence of bullying ranges from 11.3% in Finland to 49.8% in Ireland. The only U.S. study of elementary students found that 19% were bullied. Bullying behavior declines as students progress through the grades. School bullying is associated with numerous physical, mental, and social detriments. A relationship also exists between student bullying behavior and school issues such as academic achievement, school bonding, and absenteeism. Prevention of school bullying should become a priority issue for schools. The most effective methods of bullying reduction involve a whole school approach. This method includes assessing the problem, planning school conference days, providing better supervision at recess, forming a bullying prevention coordinating group, encouraging parent-teacher meetings, establishing classroom rules against bullying, holding classroom meetings about bullying, requiring talks with the bullies and the victims, and scheduling talks with the parents of involved students.

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