Appendix C: Use and Interpretation of Coefficients to Measure Displacement and Diffusion
Coefficient | Use | Interpretation |
Gross Effect (GE) | Determines increase or decrease in response area. | Positive number > 0) indicates decrease in crime; Negative number < 0) indicates increase in crime. Zero = 0) means there was no change. |
Net Effect (NE) | Determines increase or decrease in response area in relation to changes in control area. | Positive number > 0) indicates decrease in crime; Negative number < 0) indicates increase in crime. Zero = 0) means there was no change. |
Weighted Displacement Quotient (WDQ) | Determines the extent of displacement or diffusion in buffer areas in relation to changes in response and control area. | Positive number > 0) indicates there was a diffusion effect and any response effects were amplified; If number is greater than positive one > + 1.00) then the diffusion effect was greater than the response effect. Negative number < 0) indicates there was displacement. A negative number between zero and negative one < 0 > -1.00) means the displacement was not greater than the response effects and the intervention still achieved some benefit. A negative number beyond negative one < -1.00) means the response effect was eclipsed or erased by displacement. Zero = 0) means there was no effect. |
Success Measure | Determines the degree to which the decrease in the action area outweighs that in the control area (i.e., the degree to which the response was successful). | Negative number < 0) indicates successful responses where the decrease in the action area outweighed that in the control area. Positive number > 0) indicates responses where the response was not effective. |
Buffer Displacement Measure | Determines whether the interventions show possible evidence of displacement or diffusion. | Positive number > 0) indicates a possible displacement effect. Negative number <0) indicates a possible diffusion of benefit. |
Total Net Effect (TNE) | Determines the overall effect of the response in relation to changes in the control area while adjusting for displacement and/or diffusion effects. | Positive number > 0) indicates response was effective overall; Negative number < 0) indicates it was not. Zero = 0) means there was no change. The greater the number, either positive or negative, the more or less effective the response, respectively. |

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