Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text].
[2] Alberta Report (1999); Berg and Hinze (2005); Lambertson (2005).
[3] Barrios (2005); Berg and Hinze (2005); Lambertson (2005); Sanchez (2000).
[4] Barrios (2005); Bellet (2004); Lambertson (2005).
[5] Heselbarth (1999).
[6] Berg and Hinze (2005).
[7] Alberta Report (1999); O'Malley (2005); Patton (2005); Sanchez (2000).
[8] Bouffard (2004); Bradley (2005); Scarcella (2005).
[9] Barrios (2005).
[10] Berg and Hinze (2005).
[11] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text].
[12] Piquero and Rengert (1999).
[13] FBI (2004)[Available at FBI.gov].
[14] Boba (2005).
[15] Boba (2005); Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text]; Hansen (1999).
[16] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text]; Wright (1994).
[17] Fennelly (1996).
[18] Felson and Clarke (1998)[Full Text].
[19] Cromwell, Olsen, and Avary (2002); White (1990).
[20] Boba (2005); Duff (1999).
[21] Boba (2005).
[22] Berg and Hinze (2005); O'Malley (2005).
[23] Bradley (2005).
[24] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text]; Barrios (2005); Boba (2005).
[25] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text].
[26] Eck (2002).
[27] Boba (2005).
[28] Santos and Boba (2005).
[29] Clarke and Goldstein (2002)[Full Text].
[30] O'Malley (2005).
[31] Heselbarth (1999).
[32] Crime Prevention Victoria and City of Casey (2003)[Full Text].
[33] Butler (1994)[Full Text].
[34] Anderson (1999); Construction Industry Crime Prevention Program (2005); Construction Industry Advancement Program of New Jersey (2005); Heselbarth (1999).
[35] Parilla, Hollinger, and Clark (1988).
[36] Traub (1996); Greenberg (1997).
[37] Construction Industry Crime Prevention Program (2005).
[38] Farrington and Welsh (2002)[Full Text].
[39] Crime Prevention Victoria and City of Casey (2003)[Full Text].
[40] Painter and Tilley (1999)[ Full Text Available ]; Welsh and Farrington (2004); Gill and Spriggs (2005)[Full Text].
[41] Roberts (2005).
[42] Crime Prevention Victoria and City of Casey (2003)[Full Text].
[43] Laycock (1991).
[44] Crime Prevention Victoria and City of Casey (2003)[Full Text].
[45] Crime Prevention Victoria and City of Casey (2003)[Full Text].
[46] Fass and Francis (2004).
[47] Weisburd and Eck (2004).
[48] Langworthy and LeBeau (1992).
[49] Decker, Wright, and Logie (1993).
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