Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] Thompson and Arsel (2004).
[2] NCVS (2008).
[3] Vincent (2005).
[4] Van Dijk, van Kesteren and Smit (2007).
[5] U.S. Department of Justice (2008).
[6] Sidebottom and Bowers (2009).
[7] McDaniel and Jones (1988).
[8] Lengel (2007).
[9] Sidebottom and Bowers (2009).
[10] Eck, Clarke and Guerette (2007).
[11] Smith, Bowers and Johnson (2006).
[12] Fagan (2007).
[13] Vincent (2005).
[14] Kershaw, Nicholas and Walker (2008).
[15] Kershaw, Nicholas and Walker. (2008).
[16] Duffin, Keats and Gill (2006).
[17] United States General Accounting Office (2002).
[18] Smith et al., (2006).
[19] Sidebottom and Bowers (2009).
[20] Clarke (1999).
[21] Sidebottom and Bowers (2008).
[22] Smith, Bowers and Johnson (2006); East Bay Express (2008); San Francisco Chronicle (2006).
[23] Whitehead and Farrell (2008).
[24] Vincent and Arno (2003).
[25] Willcocks, Nufrio and Camino (2008).
[26] U.S. Department of Labor (1970)
[27] UK Health and Safety Executive (1974)
[28] Kaplankiran et al. (2008).
[29] Accessed on December 15, 2008, http://archives.cnn.com/2001/TECH/ptech/03/28/SMS.bomb.idg/index.html; http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23677002-5006009,00.html
[30] Laycock (1991).
[31] Sutton, Schneider and Hetherington (2001).
[32] Rogers (2009).
[33] Hunter (1997).
[34] Cromwell, Olson and Avary (1991).
[35] Poyner (1988).
[36] Eck and Weisburd (1995).
[37] The Beacons Scheme (2009).
[38] Gross-Schaefer et al (2000).
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