• Center for Problem oriented policing

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Appendix B: Websites Featuring Products Designed to Reduce the Risk of Theft in Cafés and Bars

Editors' Note: This list was compiled to offer examples to help readers implement ideas included in this guide. The appearance of this list is not to be construed as endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice or the authors of this guide. This list is non-exhaustive; we encourage you to research other products and services that may be of use to you in theft prevention. All website URLs are accurate at the time of writing.

BagsBagMate by Hookit: http://www.hookit.net.au/home.html
Chelsea Clip: http://www.selectadna.co.uk/chelsea-clips.html?gclid=CPvLjbfg65ACFQFaMAod0RATPA
SecureKlip: http://www.secureklip.com/index.php
Prensus-Portable Hanging Device: http://www.prensusphd.com/
PursesChatt Plus: http://www.chattplus.com/index.php
HangBag Company: http://www.hangbagcompany.com/
Handbag Hangers: http://www.handbaghanger.com.au/
Hooky Handbag Hook: http://www.quirkybags.co.uk/handbag-hooks-and-lights.html
Hot HangUps: http://www.hot-hang-ups.com/
KeepKlose: http://www.keepklose.com/
The Little Hooker: http://www.cwdesignllc.com/servlet/StoreFront?gclid=CIu-kfXi65ACFQiKMAodwGFKQQ
MyBagHanger: http://www.mybaghanger.com/
Pretty Pink Toes: http://www.prettypinktoes.co.uk/handbaghanger.aspx
Purse Angels-The Handbag Guardian: http://www.purseangels.co.uk/?gclid=CLfLhL7d65ACFQ7tlAodlTqkrA
Purse Hanger.com: http://www.purse-hanger.com/
Purse Hanger.net: http://www.pursehanger.net/
PurseSitter: http://www.pursesitter.com/
so Hooked: http://www.so-hooked.com/
Pacsafe-Travel Security: http://www.pacsafe.com/www/index.php
TamperSeal TSA-Approved Luggage Straps: http://www.tamperseal.com/tsa-luggage-straps-c-28.html?osCsid=41d0aa911a8f0eaff3cf31752d73bdb1
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