Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
By Guide Number
#1 Assaults in and Around Bars, 2nd Edition
#2 Street Prostitution, 2nd Edition
#3 Speeding in Residential Areas, 2nd Edition
#4 Drug Dealing in Privately Owned Apartment Complexes
#5 False Burglar Alarms, 2nd Edition
#6 Disorderly Youth in Public Places
#7 Loud Car Stereos
#8 Robbery at Automated Teller Machines
#9 Graffiti
#10 Thefts of and from Cars in Parking Facilities
#11 Shoplifting, 2nd Edition
#12 Bullying in Schools
#13 Panhandling
#14 Rave Parties
#15 Burglary of Retail Establishments
#16 Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs, 2nd Edition
#17 Acquaintance Rape of College Students, 2nd Edition
#18 Burglary of Single-Family Houses
#19 Misuse and Abuse of 911
#20 Financial Crimes Against the Elderly
#21 Check and Card Fraud, 2nd Edition
#22 Stalking
#23 Gun Violence Among Serious Young Offenders
#24 Prescription Fraud and Abuse, 2nd Edition
#25 Identity Theft
#26 Crimes Against Tourists
#27 Underage Drinking
#28 Street Racing
#29 Cruising
#30 Disorder at Budget Motels
#31 Drug Dealing in Open-Air Markets
#32 Bomb Threats in Schools
#33 Illicit Sexual Activity in Public Places
#34 Robbery of Taxi Drivers
#35 School Vandalism and Break-ins
#36 Drunk Driving
#37 Juvenile Runaways
#38 Exploitation of Trafficked Women, 2nd Edition
#39 Student Party Riots
#40 People with Mental Illness, 2nd Ed.
#41 Child Pornography on the Internet
#42 Witness Intimidation
#43 Burglary at Single-Family House Construction Sites
#44 Disorder at Day Laborer Sites
#45 Domestic Violence
#46 Thefts of and From Cars on Residential Streets and Driveways
#47 Drive-By Shootings
#48 Bank Robbery
#49 Robbery of Convenience Stores
#50 Traffic Congestion Around Schools
#51 Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities
#52 Bicycle Theft
#53 Abandoned Vehicles
#54 Spectator Violence in Stadiums
#55 Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home
#56 Homeless Encampments
#57 Stolen Goods Markets
#58 Theft of Scrap Metal
#59 Street Robbery
#60 Theft of Customers' Personal Property in Cafés and Bars
#61 Aggressive Driving
#62 Sexual Assault of Women by Strangers
#63 Export of Stolen Vehicles Across Land Borders
#64 Abandoned Buildings and Lots
#65 Animal Cruelty
#66 Missing Persons
#67 Gasoline Drive-Offs
#68 Chronic Public Inebriation
#69 Drug-Impaired Driving
#70 Home Invasion Robbery
#71 Physical and Emotional Abuse of the Elderly
#72 Hate Crimes
#73 Robbery of Pharmacies
#74 Retaliatory Violent Disputes
#2 Street Prostitution, 2nd Edition
#3 Speeding in Residential Areas, 2nd Edition
#4 Drug Dealing in Privately Owned Apartment Complexes
#5 False Burglar Alarms, 2nd Edition
#6 Disorderly Youth in Public Places
#7 Loud Car Stereos
#8 Robbery at Automated Teller Machines
#9 Graffiti
#10 Thefts of and from Cars in Parking Facilities
#11 Shoplifting, 2nd Edition
#12 Bullying in Schools
#13 Panhandling
#14 Rave Parties
#15 Burglary of Retail Establishments
#16 Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs, 2nd Edition
#17 Acquaintance Rape of College Students, 2nd Edition
#18 Burglary of Single-Family Houses
#19 Misuse and Abuse of 911
#20 Financial Crimes Against the Elderly
#21 Check and Card Fraud, 2nd Edition
#22 Stalking
#23 Gun Violence Among Serious Young Offenders
#24 Prescription Fraud and Abuse, 2nd Edition
#25 Identity Theft
#26 Crimes Against Tourists
#27 Underage Drinking
#28 Street Racing
#29 Cruising
#30 Disorder at Budget Motels
#31 Drug Dealing in Open-Air Markets
#32 Bomb Threats in Schools
#33 Illicit Sexual Activity in Public Places
#34 Robbery of Taxi Drivers
#35 School Vandalism and Break-ins
#36 Drunk Driving
#37 Juvenile Runaways
#38 Exploitation of Trafficked Women, 2nd Edition
#39 Student Party Riots
#40 People with Mental Illness, 2nd Ed.
#41 Child Pornography on the Internet
#42 Witness Intimidation
#43 Burglary at Single-Family House Construction Sites
#44 Disorder at Day Laborer Sites
#45 Domestic Violence
#46 Thefts of and From Cars on Residential Streets and Driveways
#47 Drive-By Shootings
#48 Bank Robbery
#49 Robbery of Convenience Stores
#50 Traffic Congestion Around Schools
#51 Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities
#52 Bicycle Theft
#53 Abandoned Vehicles
#54 Spectator Violence in Stadiums
#55 Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home
#56 Homeless Encampments
#57 Stolen Goods Markets
#58 Theft of Scrap Metal
#59 Street Robbery
#60 Theft of Customers' Personal Property in Cafés and Bars
#61 Aggressive Driving
#62 Sexual Assault of Women by Strangers
#63 Export of Stolen Vehicles Across Land Borders
#64 Abandoned Buildings and Lots
#65 Animal Cruelty
#66 Missing Persons
#67 Gasoline Drive-Offs
#68 Chronic Public Inebriation
#69 Drug-Impaired Driving
#70 Home Invasion Robbery
#71 Physical and Emotional Abuse of the Elderly
#72 Hate Crimes
#73 Robbery of Pharmacies
#74 Retaliatory Violent Disputes
#75 Carjacking