[1] Groth (1979); Savino and Turvey (2005).
[2] Maston (2011).
[3] Tjaden and Thoennes (2006); Kilpatrick and McCauley (2009).
[4] Federal Bureau of Investigation (2009).
[5] Tjaden and Thoennes (2006); Kilpatrick and McCauley (2009).
[6] Tjaden and Thoennes (2006).
[7] Myhill and Allen (2002).
[8] Epstein and Langenbahn (1994); DuMont, Miller, and Myhr (2003); Jones et al. (2009).
[9] Bachman (1998); Ruch, Coyne, and Perrone (2000); DuMont, Miller, and Myhr (2003); Clay-Warner and Burt (2005).
[10] Feldman-Summers and Ashworth (1981); Ruch, Coyne, and Perrone (2000); Jones et al. (2009).
[11] Caringella (2009).
[12] Maier (2008).
[13] Lessel and Kapila (2001).
[14] Jordan (2001); Lessel and Kapila (2001); Maier (2008).
[15] Bohner et al. (2009).
[16] Turvey (2005).
[17] Turvey (2005).
[18] McDowell (1985); Kanin (1994).
[19] Turvey (2005).
[20] West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (n.d.); New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault (n.d.).
[21] National Center for Victims of Crime (2009).
[22] Allison and Wrightsman (1993).
[23] Allison and Wrightsman (1993).
[24] Monahan, Marolla, and Bromley (2005).
[25] Allison and Wrightsman (1993); Ullman (2007).
[26] Ullman (2007).
[27] Tjaden and Thoennes (2006).
[28] Myhill and Allen (2002); Lalumiere et al. (2005).
[29] Lalumiere et al. (2005); Soothill et al. (2002).
[30] Savino and Turvey (2005); Lalumiere et al. (2005).
[31] Rozee and Koss (2001); Abbey et al. (2007).
[32] Davies, Wittebrood and Jackson (1998); Soothill et al. (2002); Goldstein and Susmilch (1982).
[33] MacLellan and Cain (2008).
[34] Federal Bureau of Investigation (2009).
[35] Myhill and Allen (2002).
[36] Davies and Dale (1995).
[37] Horvath and Brown (2006); Ullman (2007).
[38] Horvath and Brown (2006); Ullman (2007).
[39] Horvath and Brown (2007); Kilpatrick et al. (2007).
[40] Epstein and Langenbahn (1994).
[41] Center for Sex Offender Management (2008c).
[42] Wilson (2002); Martin (2005); Lovett, Regan, and Kelly (2004).
[43] Epstein and Langenbahn (1994).
[44] Vito, Longmire, and Kenney (1983).
[45] Wilson (2002); Savino and Turvey (2005); Lovett, Regan, and Kelly (2004).
[46] Martin (2005).
[47] Martin (2005).
[48] Winkel and Koppelaar (1992); McMillan and Thomas (2009); West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (n.d.).
[49] Winkel et al. (1991).
[50] Winkel et al. (1991).
[51] Lonsway, Welch and Fitzgerald (2001).
[52] Kinney et al. (2007).
[53] Ullman (2007).
[54] Furby, Fischhoff, and Morgan (1989); Allison and Wrightsman (1993); Searles and Berger (1995); Rozee and Koss (2001); Ullman (2007); Guerette and Santana (2010).
[55] Rozee and Koss (2001).
[56] Ullman (2007).
[57] Furby, Fischhoff, and Morgan (1990).
[58] Ullman (2007).
[59] Allison and Wrightsman (1993); Groves (1995).
[60] Davies and Dale (1995).
[61] Banyard, Plante, and Moynihan (2004).
[62] Goldstein and Susmilch (1982).
[63] MacLellan and Cain (2008); Center for Sex Offender Management (2008c).
[64] Center for Sex Offender Management (2008c).
[65] Center for Sex Offender Management (2008b).
[66] Center for Sex Offender Management (2008a); Center for Sex Offender Management (2008c).
[67] MacLellan and Cain (2008); International Association of Chiefs of Police and U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (2007); Minnesota Department of Corrections (2006).
[68] Campbell and Wasco (2005); Ullman (2007).
[69] English (1998); Rozee and Koss (2001); Abbey et al. (2007).
[70] English (1998).
[71] English (1998).
[72] English (1998); MacLellan and Cain (2008).
[73] Horvath and Brown (2006); Ullman (2007).
[74] Caringella (2009).
[75] Seidman and Vickers (2005); Caringella (2009).
[76] Berger, Neuman, and Searles (1994); Bachman (1998); Clay-Warner and Burt (2005); Seidman and Vickers (2005); Caringella (2009)
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