Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
Appendix B: Web Resources for Improving Pedestrian Safety
The Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System
"The Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System are meant to provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who walk. The online tools provide the user with a list of possible engineering, education, or enforcement treatments to improve pedestrian safety and/or mobility based on user input about a specific location" (source: from the URL below, accessed January 6, 2007). www.walkinginfo.org/pedsafe/index.cfm
Federal Highway Administration: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research Page
It contains reports on effective safety procedures, and other information useful for understanding pedestrian safety. www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pedbike/pedbike.htm
National Transportation Library
It contains various reports, documents, and other publications on safety issues.
Active Living Research
"The chief aim of Active Living Research is to increase knowledge about active living by supporting research to identify environmental factors and policies with potential to substantially increase levels of physical activity among Americans of all ages, incomes and ethnic backgrounds" (source: from the URL below, accessed January 6, 2007).
National Center for Bicycling and Walking
"The mission of the National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW) is to help create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities across North America by encouraging and supporting the efforts of individuals, organizations, and agencies" (source: from the URL below, accessed January 6, 2007).
Partnership for a Walkable America
"The Partnership for a Walkable America (PWA) is a national coalition working to improve the conditions for walking in America and to increase the number of Americans who walk regularly. The members are national governmental agencies and non-profit organizations concerned about three main areas: health, safety and the environment" (source: from the URL below, accessed January 6, 2007). www.Walkableamerica.Org
Safe Kids Worldwide
"Safe Kids Worldwide is a global network of organizations whose mission is to prevent accidental childhood injury, a leading killer of children 14 and under. More than 450 coalitions in 15 countries bring together health and safety experts, educators, corporations, foundations, governments, and volunteers to educate and protect families" (source: from the URL below, accessed January 6, 2007).
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