• Center for Problem oriented policing

    POP Center Responses Monitoring Offenders on Conditional Release References

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    Arlington Police Department. 2008. “Operation Spotlight.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Arlington, TX.

    Boston Police Department. 2004. “Boston Re-Entry Initiative.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Boston, MA.

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    Burrell, William D. 1999. “Getting the Most Out of Probation/Parole-Police Partnerships.” Community Corrections Report 7 (1): 1–12.

    Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. 2009. “Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP).” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem- Oriented Policing. Charlotte, NC.

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    Chui, Wing Hong, Bill Tupman, and Colin Farlow. 2003. “Listening to Young Adult Offenders: Views on the Effect of a Police-Probation Initiative on Reducing Crime.” Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (3): 263–281.

    Condon, Christopher D. 2003. “Failing Crime Rates, Rising Caseload Numbers: Using Police-Probation Partnerships.” Corrections Today 65 (1): 44–48.

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    Jones, Justin, and Edward Flynn. 2008. “Cops and Corrections: Reentry Collaborations for Public Safety.” Corrections Today 70 (2): 26–29.

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    Los Angeles Police Department. 2009. “A Model for Large Metropolitan Police Agencies in Efficiently and Productively Addressing Street Level Violent Crime.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Los Angeles, CA.

    MacKenzie, Doris Layton. 2006. What Works in Corrections: Reducing the Criminal Activities of Offenders and Delinquents. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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    Mawby, Rob C., and Anne Worrall. 2004. “‘Polibation’ Revisited: Policing, Probation and Prolific Offender Projects.” International Journal of Police Science and Management 6 (2): 63–73.

    Minneapolis Police Department. 1999. “The Hawthorne Huddle: Motivating Residents to Reclaim a Neighborhood.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Minneapolis, MN.

    Morgan, Terry, and Stephen D. Marrs. 1998. “Redmond Washington’s SMART Partnership for Police and Community Corrections.” In Community Corrections: Probation, Parole, and Intermediate Sanctions, ed. J. Petersilia, 170–180. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Murphy, David. 2005. Making Police-Probation Partnerships Work. New York: LFB Scholarly.

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    Murphy, David, and John L. Worrall. 2007. “The Threat of Mission Distortion in Police- Probation Partnerships.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management 30 (1): 132–149.

    Naperville Police Department. 1998. “Drive Safe, Drive Sober Campaign.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Naperville, IL.

    Parent, Dale, and Brad Snyder. 1999. Police-Corrections Partnerships. Washington, DC: U.S. National Institute of Justice.

    Petersilia, Joan, and Susan Turner. 1993. Evaluating Intensive Supervision Probation / Parole: Results of a Nationwide Experiment. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

    Pew Center on the States. 2008. Putting Public Safety First: 13 Strategies for Successful Supervision and Reentry. Washington, DC: The Pew Charitable Trusts.

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    Reichert, Kent. 2002. “Police-Probation Partnerships: Boston’s Operation Night Light.” Jerry Lee Center of Criminology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

    Roseville Police Department. 2010. “Targeting Gangs: One Gangster at a Time.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Roseville, CA.

    Sachwald, Judith, Ernest Eley, Jr., and Faye S. Taxman. 2006. “An Ounce of Prevention: Proactive Community Supervision Reduces Violation Behavior.” Topics in Community Corrections 31–38.

    Solomon, Amy L., Vera Kachnowski, and Avi Bhati. 2005. Does Parole Work? Analyzing the Impact of Postprison Supervision on Rearrest Outcomes. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

    Tampa Police Department. 1999. “Sexual Predator Identification and Notification (S.P.I.N.) Program.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Tampa, FL.

    Taxman, Faye S. 2002. “Supervision: Exploring the Dimensions of Effectiveness.” Federal Probation 66 (2): 14–27.

    Taxman, Faye S., and Meridith Thanner. 2006. “Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR): It All Depends.” Crime and Delinquency 52 (1): 28–51.

    Taxman, Faye S., Christina Yancey, and Jeanne E. Bilanin. 2006. Proactive Community Supervision in Maryland: Changing Offender Outcomes. Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland; Richmond, VA: Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Taxman, Faye S., Douglas Young, and James Byrne. 2003. Offender’s Views of Reentry: Implications for Processes, Programs, and Services. Washington, DC: U.S. National Institute of Justice.

    Urban, Lynn S. 2005. Deterrent Effect of Curfew Enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis. Washington, DC: U.S. National Institute of Justice.

    Waukesha Police Department. 2003. “Police & Partners: A Series of Successful Problem- Solving Efforts That Have Tremendously Impacted the Community.” Submission for Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing. Waukesha, WI.

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    Wicklund, Carl. 2010. “Police and Probation and Parole – A Relationship.” Community Policing Dispatch 3(6). 

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