Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
POP Center Home Problems Trafficked Women 2nd Ed. Endnotes
[1] Tiefenbrun (2002:136); UNODC (2018).
[2] U.S. Department of State (2005); TVPA, (2000); TVPA (2017).
[3] Bales and Fletcher (2004); Bales (2012); Polaris (2017).
[4] International Labour Office (2003); Polaris (2017).
[5] TVPA (2000); TVPA (2017).
[6] Salt (2000); Laczko and Gramegna (2003); Polaris (2017).
[7] U.S. Department of State (2019).
[8] Kangaspunta (2003); U.S. Department of State (2019).
[9] Tiefenbrun (2002:139-141); U.S. Department of State (2019).
[10] U.S. Department of Justice (2004).
[11] MacPherson and Gushulak (2004); Polaris (2017).
[12] Gushulak and MacPherson (2000); Polaris (2017).
[13] Gushulak and MacPherson (2000); Polaris (2017).
[14] Gumbel (2001); Bales et al. (2004); Polaris (2017).
[15] Walter (2002); Polaris (2017).
[16] Stuart Police Department (2001); Polaris (2017).
[17] National City Police Department (2000); Polaris (2017).
[18] Ryf (2002:50); U.S. Department of State (2019).
[19] Human Rights Watch (2001).
[20] Guerette (2004); Belsar (2005).
[21]Cwikel et al. (2004); Weitzer (2015).
[22] Stone (2004).
[23] Raymond and Hughes (2001); Marcellin (2019).
[24] FloridaStateUniversity (2003); UNODC (2018).
[25] Hughes (2001); Latonero (2011).
[26] Parrado et al. (2004); UDNOC (2018).
[27] Raymond and Hughes (2001); UNODC (2018).
[28] United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) (2003); Weitzer (2015).
[29] TVPA (2000).
[30] 8 U.S.C. sec. 1227(a)(1)(E)(i).
[31] U.S. Department of State (2004); Wheaton, Schauer and Galli (2010).
[32] Anderson and O’Connell Davidson (2003); Weitzer (2015).
[33] Raymond and Hughes (2001); Hughes (2004a); Weitzer (2015).
[34] Wijers and Lap-Chew (1999); Zarembka (2000); Anderson and O’Connell Davidson (2003); Weitzer (2015).
[35] Human Rights Watch (2001); Anderson and O’Connell Davidson (2003); Weitzer (2015).
[36] Bales et al. (2004); Weitzer (2015).
[37] Scott (2000); Shively et al. (2012).
[38] Hughes (2004a); Weitzer (2015).
[39] See generally Freilich and Newman (2005); U.S. Department of State (2019).
[40] Seghetti et al. (2004); U.S. Department of State (2019).
[41] Nordic Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Research (2002).
[42] Raymond and Hughes (2001); Ryf (2002: 20); Shively et al. (2012).
[43] Salt (2000); Shively et al. (2012).
[44] Kansas City, Missouri Police Department (2004); Shively et al. (2012).
[45] Mackenzie et al. (2003).
[46] Raymond and Hughes (2001); Shively et al. (2012).
[47] Hughes (2004a); Shively et al. (2012).
[48] Torrey and Dubin (2003); International Labor Organization (2017).
[49] Hughes (2003); International Labor Organization (2017).
[50] National Trafficking Alert System (n.d.); Shively et al. (2012).
[51] Venkatraman (2003); The Police Chief (2014).
[52] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Human Trafficking Hotline (n.d.).
[53] Jacobsen (2002); TVPA (2017).
[54] Edwards (2003); Farrell, Bright, de Vries, Pfeffer and Dank (2019).
[55] SPOG (2005).; U.S. Department of State (2019).
[56] King (2003); Dill (2011).
[57] Ekberg (2004).
[58] Persons (1996); Shively et al. (2012).
[59] Hughes (2004a); Shively et al. (2012).
[60] Hughes (2004a); Shively et al. (2012).
[61] Hughes (2004a:27); Shively et al. (2012).
[62] Hughes (2004a).
[63] Hesseling (1994); U.S. Department of Justice (2019).
[64] Weidner (1999); Wolf (2001); Farrell and Cronin (2015).
[65] Raymond (2004); Shively et al. (2012); Cho, Dreher & Neumayer (2012).
[66] Hughes (2004a); Ekberg (2004); Nordic Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Research (2002); Shively et al. (2012); Cho, Dreher & Neumayer (2012).