Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
Summary of Responses to Bank Robbery
The table below summarizes the responses to bank robbery, the mechanisms by which they are intended to work, the conditions under which they ought to work best, and some factors that should be considered before a particular response is implemented. It is critical that you tailor responses to local circumstances and that you can justify each response based on reliable analysis. Remember, in most cases an effective strategy will involve implementing several different responses because law enforcement alone is seldom effective in reducing or solving the problem.
# | Response | How It Works | Works Best If… | Considerations |
General Requirements for an Effective Strategy | ||||
1 | Enlisting support of banks | Establishes joint ownership of the problem | ... changes in management are needed | Recommendations lack the force of law |
2 | Adopting a multijurisdictional approach | Provides sufficient data to focus resources where most needed | …there are too few robberies within a single jurisdiction to suggest changes | Encourages cooperation between banks, police, and the FBI |
3 | Focusing on high risk branches | Identifies high risk locations | ... branches are cooperative in addressing risks | Combines prevention and detection; cost-effective; targets high risk locations; may be expensive |
4 | Focusing on specific types of bank robbery | Employs specific preventive strategies | …specific types of robbery can be identified | Most likely to produce tangible results |
Reducing Rewards | ||||
5 | Limiting access to cash | Reduces rewards | …bank policies are routinely followed | Inconvenient for employees; compliance must be monitored; unlikely to discourage robbers with low expectations |
6 | Using tear gas or dye packs | Robbers often drop cash upon activation; dyed money is difficult to use | …employees include packs in stolen money | Gas and dye packs are already widely used |
Increasing Perceptions of Risk | ||||
7 | Slowing the pace of the robbery | Increases perceptions of risk | …robbers are unarmed | May reduce successful robberies, or reduce amount of loss, but may increase violence; inexpensive; can be tailored to the situation |
8 | Banning disguises | Deters opportunistic offenders | …robbers are solitary offenders; robberies are not planned | Difficult to enforce in cold weather |
9 | Employing greeters | Deters opportunistic offenders | …robbers are solitary note passers | May be useful as a short-term solution at specific times and locations |
10 | Hiring guards | Increases risk of apprehension | …guards are highly visible | Expensive; may increase violence; alters bank environment |
11 | Warning likely offenders | Increases perception of risk | …robbers are local | Low cost strategy |
Increase Likelihood of Apprehension | ||||
12 | Using tracking devices | Increases risk of apprehension | …offenders are aware of devices but cannot easily defeat them | Can be used in high risk locations; conserves police resources; employees must include devices |
13 | Using bait money | Increases risk of apprehension | …tellers include bait in money | Bait money is already widely used |
14 | Offering rewards | Increases risk of apprehension | …offenders are local | Publicity may have a deterrent effect on other would-be robbers |
15 | Upgrading electronic surveillance | Increases risk of apprehension and perception of risk | …cameras are well positioned, visible, reliably activated, produce good quality images, and not easily disabled | Video surveillance is already widely used, but the quality could be improved; provides good investigative evidence but can be defeated with disguises; exterior surveillance can provide information about escape routes |
16 | Rapidly activating alarms | Increases risk of apprehension | …alarms are activated quickly | Alarms are widely used but must be activated quickly; quick response by police may trap robber inside bank, thus increasing the risk of violence |
Increasing Difficulty of Offending | ||||
17 | Installing bandit barriers | Stops robbers from using weapons | …robbers are armed | Protects employees but may increase risk to customers; can be installed in high risk locations; although unpleasant for customers, pop-up screens do not alter the environment |
18 | Limiting bank access | Blocks robbers | …customers become accustomed to the practice | Varied controls can be tailored to particular locales; can be installed in high risk locations; may affect bank environment and customers |
19 | Installing access control vestibules | Blocks armed robbers | …robbers are armed | Can be installed in high risk locations; expensive to install |
20 | Hardening targets | Increases difficulty | target vulnerabilities can be identified and altered | May be expensive or difficult to install; may inconvenience customers; often unnoticeable; can be tailored to individual properties |
Responses With Limited Effectiveness | ||||
21 | Increasing criminal sanctions | Offenders already face stiff penalties; stiffer penalties for gun use may have decreased armed robberies; general deterrent effect is weak | ||
22 | Limiting media coverage of bank robberies | No evidence that media coverage contributes to copycat robberies | ||
23 | Training employees to spot suspicious behavior | Difficult for employees to detect; few robbers case branches | ||
24 | Increasing police effort to deter and apprehend bank robbers | Little evidence that extra police presence is effective or efficient; does not affect future robbery risks; expensive |

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