Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] National Research Council (2004); Weisburd and Eck (2004); Sherman et al. (1997) [Full text]; Tonry and Farrington (1995); Goldstein (1990); Eck and Spelman (1987).
[2] Goldstein (1996). [Full text]
[3] Sampson, Raudenbush, and Earls (1997), p. 918.
[4] San Diego Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[5] Bureau of Justice Assistance (2000). [Full text]
[6] Plano Police Department (2003). [Full text]
[7] Lancashire Constabulary (2000) [Full text]; Campbell Resources, Inc. (n.d.).
[8] Hamilton-Wentworth Police Department (1994). [Full text]
[9] See Lancashire Constabulary (n.d.).
[10] Chula Vista Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[11] Clarke and Goldstein (2003a). [Full text]
[12] Peel Regional Police (1996). [Full text]
[13] Hope (1994). [Full text]
[14] Miami Police Department (2002). [Full text]
[15] Lancashire Constabulary (1999).
[16] Lancashire Constabulary (2003a). [Full text]
[17] Fremont Police Department (1997). [Full text]
[18] Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (2002). [Full text]
[19] Fresno Police Department (1999). [Full text]
[20] Glendale Police Department (1997). [Full text]
[21] Racine Police Department (1999). [Full text]
[22] Fontana Police Department (1998). [Full text]
[23] Lancashire Constabulary (2003b). [Full text]
[24] Buffalo Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[25] Green Bay Police Department (1999).[Full text]
[26] Clarke and Goldstein (2003b). [Full text]
[27] Delta Police Department (1997). [Full text]
[28] Oakland Police Department (2003). [Full text]
[29] Halton Regional Police Service (2003). [Full text]
[30] City of Overland Park (2003). [Full text]
[31] Merseyside Police (2001). [Full text]
[32] Salt Lake City Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[33] Fresno Police Department (1997). [Full text]
[34] Mazerolle and Roehl (1998). [Full text]
[35] Oakland Police Department (2003). [Full text]
[36] Royal Canadian Mounted Police (2002). [Full text]
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