2015 POP Conference
Oct 19-21, 2015 Portland, OR

Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

Powerd by University at Albany, SUNY
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Goldstein Awards 2002

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Winner! Safety and Farm Labor Vehicle Education Program

California Highway Patrol, CA US – 11 Pages

During the three-year period of 1997-1999, in the California Highway Patrol ’s Central Division, there were an estimated 187 farm labor vehicle collisions, resulting in 20 fatalities and 121 injuries. The California State Legislature passed two bills to enhance the safety of farm labor vehicles. Seat belts became mandatory and safety requirements were strengthened. Officers inspected over 3,000 farm labor vehicles, and over 500 unsafe vehicles were taken out of service. In 2000, no fatalities were associated with farm labor vehicle collisions for the first time since 1992. Farm vehicle collisions dropped 73 percent.

Allapattah Produce Market Power Play (resubmission)

Miami Police Department, Miami, FL US – 8 Pages

Crime, drug sales, a homeless population, health and sanitation hazards, and traffic congestion plagued a produce market. Business owners secured their waste containers, restricting access to outdated produce by the homeless population, virtually eliminating the vagrancy problem and criminal activities. A grant allowed for improvements to the market. A complete road redesign project was scheduled to reduce traffic congestion. Many of the homeless people received job training and were employed. Water samples have shown a decrease in pollution and bacteria. Criminal activities at the market have decreased.

Baker One Domestic Violence Intervention Project

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte, NC US – 9 Pages

A police district was concerned about an increase in domestic assaults. An analysis of domestic assault reports showed that the average victim had filed nine previous police reports, which occasionally crossed police district boundaries. The offense reports involving a victim/suspect pair were analyzed, and tailored responses were developed for each case. Victims were encouraged to report future incidents. Case files were used to create a base for victim/offender data, which was used to track victims and offenders as moving "hot spots. " Repeat calls decreased by 98.9% at seven target locations.

Hispanic Robbery Initiative

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte, NC US – 11 Pages

The City of Charlotte experienced a significant increase in its Hispanic population, creating challenges for police officers in dealing with a population that has a distrust of police, a language barrier, and a high level of victimization, especially for robberies. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department created an International Relations Unit to assist in developing problem-solving initiatives targeting the international community.

Let's Dance: A Community's Collaborative Response to an All Ages Nightclub

Halton Regional Police Service, Halton, ON CA – 11 Pages

A nightclub generated complaints from residents and businesses in the surrounding neighborhood. The clientele of the nightclub were drawn from a large geographic area. Crimes and social disorder were increasing and concentrated in the five-block area surrounding the nightclub. Problem solving solutions were adopted on a multitude of levels. A weekly evaluation of the approach was undertaken. Results were analyzed and changes to the plan made accordingly. Feedback from the local residents, business owners, nightclub owner, and even the patrons of the nightclub indicate the program was successful. Assaults, stolen autos, thefts, mischief, parking complaints, damages, littering and calls for service were decreased by 75%.

Project Metrotown

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, BC CA – 9 Pages

In 1998, the police noted an increase in calls for service at three apartment buildings and drug trafficking activity at a nearby public transit station. The majority of persons involved in the drug trade were Honduran nationals, claiming refugee status, who used the apartments to produce and distribute crack cocaine. Potential buyers were drawn to the area and victimized area merchants, intimidated residents, and caused safety concerns among school officials. Two separate task forces failed to decreased crime. A joint enforcement team was formed to mobilize the community and deal with immigration problems. Drug offenses and crimes decreased.