Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

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1 U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center (2005)[Full Text].

2 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; Sevick (1993)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; Eng (1999); Hargreaves (2000)[Full text].

3 Irvine and Chin (1997); Jenkins (1999); Sevick (1993)[Full text]; Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

4 Hermann (1990); U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); U.S. Senate (1998); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text].

5 U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center (2005)[Full Text].

6 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; Hargreaves (2000)[Full text].

7 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Snell (2001); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; Eng (1999)[Full Text].

8 Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003).

9 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2004)[Full Text].

10 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

11 Schanlaub (2005).

12 U.S. Senate (1998); Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text].

13 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; U.S. House of Representatives (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Eng (1999)[Full Text]; Manning (1999)[Full text]; Doane and Marshall (1996); Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text].

14 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2004)[Full Text].

15 Swetlow (2003)[Full Text].

16 U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center (2005)[Full Text].

17 U.S. Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force (2000)[Full Text].

18 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2001)[Full Text].

19 Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003).

20 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2004)[Full Text]; U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center (2005)[Full Text].

21 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000[Full text], 1996); U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; U.S. Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force (2000)[Full Text].

22 Jenkins (1999).

23 Jenkins (1999); Sevick (1993)[Full text]; Singh (2001)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; U.S. Senate (1998); U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text].

24 Jenkins (1999); U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

25 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

26 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

27 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text].

28 Sevick (1993)[Full text]; Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text].

29 Sevick (1993)[Full text].

30 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2001[Full Text], 2000[Full text], 1996); Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; U.S. Senate (1999a[Full text], 1998); Hargreaves (2000)[Full text].

31 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2001[Full Text], 1996); U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2006[Full Text], 1998).

32 Sevick (1993)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

33 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); Jenkins (1999); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; Singh (2001)[Full text]; Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text].

34 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000[Full text], 1996); U.S. Senate (1999a, 1999b[Full text]); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

35 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

36 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000[Full text], 1996).

37 Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

38 Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003).

39 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003).

40 Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text].

41 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Nieves (2001).

42 Nieves (2001); U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

43 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

44 Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003).

45 Jenkins (1999).

46 Sevick (1993)[Full text]; Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Senate (1998); U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Perlman (2000).

47 U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center (2005)[Full Text].

48 Valle, Ikegami, and Crisp (2003); Dighton (2004)[Full Text].

49 Sevick (1993)[Full text].

50 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text]; Murdie, Shelley, and Hoopes (2001)[Full Text].

51 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

52 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; Nieves (2001); Snell (2001).

53 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000[Full text], 1996); U.S. Senate (1999a[Full text], 1999b[Full text], 1998); U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Snell (2001); Perlman (2000); Hargreaves (2000)[Full text]; Doane and Marshall (1996).

54 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

55 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text].

56 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (2000)[Full text]; Jenkins (1999); Idaho State Police (2000)[Full text].

57 Salt Lake City Police Department (2003)[Full Text].

58 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); U.S. House of Representatives (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force (2000)[Full Text]; Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

59 Sevick (1993)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Salt Lake City Police Department (2003)[Full Text].

60 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996).

61 Sevick (1993)[Full text]; Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text].

62 U.S. House of Representatives (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2006[Full Text], 2004[Full Text]); Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text].

63 Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text]; Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text].

64 Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Saleem (1996); Doane and Marshall (1998).

65 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

66 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

67 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text]; Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; Perlman(2000); U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy(2004)[Full Text].

68 U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

69 Rice (2005).

70 Shaffrey (2005); Frazier (2005); Vacco (2005).

71 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1996); U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998).

72 Leinwand (2005); U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2004)[Full Text].

73 U.S. Senate (1999a)[Full text].

74 Perlman (2000).

75 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text]; Eng (1999)[Full Text]; Idaho State Police (2000)[Full text]; Salt Lake City Police Department (2003)[Full Text]; Broken Arrow (Okla.) Police Department (2002)[Full Text].

76 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text].

77 See Campbell (2000)[Full text].

78 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text].

79 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Broken Arrow (Oklahoma) Police Department (2002)[Full Text].

80 U.S. House of Representatives (2000)[Full Text].

81 U.S. House of Representatives (2000)[Full Text]; U.S. Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force (2000)[Full Text]; Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; Copple (2001); Manning (1999)[Full text]; Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text]; Salt Lake City Police Department (2003)[Full Text].

82 Lloyd (2003)[Full Text]; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(2000)[Full Text].

83 Schanlaub (2005).

84 Garrett (2004).

85 Vogt (2001).

86 Prah (2005).

87 Singh (2001)[Full text].

88 Huddleston (2005)[Full Text].

89 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text].

90 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Salt Lake City Police Department (2003)[Full Text].

91 Dighton (2004)[Full Text].

92 Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text].

93 Bureau of Justice Assistance (1998)[Full text]; U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text]; Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Pennell et al. (1999)[Full text]; U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (1998); Idaho State Police (2000)[Full text].

94 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text].

95 Murdie, Shelley, and Hoopes (2001)[Full Text].

96 U.S. Senate (1999b)[Full text].

97 Indiana State Police (1997)[Full text].

98 U.S. Senate (1998); Dighton (2004)[Full Text].

99 Saleem (1996).

100 Campbell (2000)[Full text]; Cadwalader, Wickersham, and Taft (1993); Mazerolle and Roehl (1998)[Full Text].

101 Institute for Law and Justice and 21st Century Solutions (2000)[Full Text]; Saleem (1996).

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