Center for Problem-Oriented Policing
[1] Van Lieshout (1995).
[2] For example, Desroches (1990), Byrne (2003) [Full text], Forsyth (1992), and Redmon (2002).
[3] Humphreys (1975); Schultz (1998); Desroches (1990).
[4] Nardi (1995).
[5] Schultz (1998).
[6] Forsyth (1992); Redmon (2003).
[7] Anderson (1977).
[8] Mendenhall (2003); Byrne (2003). [Full text]
[9] Huber and Kleinplatz (2002).
[10] Desroches (1990).
[11] Desroches (1990).
[12] Schultz (1998).
[13] Corzine and Kirby (1977).
[14] Troiden (1974); Corzine and Kirby (1977); Michael (1997).
[15] Corzine and Kirby (1977).
[16] American Psychiatric Association (2000).
[17] Redmon (2002).
[18] Redmon (2003).
[19] Redmon (2003).
[20] Gray (1988).
[21] Murray (1999).
[22] Schultz (1998).
[23] Byrne (2003). [Full text]
[24] Nardi (1995); Desroches (1990).s
[25] Desroches (1990).
[26] Tewksbury (1995).
[27] Tewksbury (1995).
[28] Schultz (1998).
[29] Shrum and Kilburn (1996). [Full text]
[30] Shrum and Kilburn (1996). [Full text]
[31] Mendenhall (2003).
[32] Gray (1988).
[33] Gray (1988).
[34] See Michael (1997) and Troiden (1974).
[35] Troiden (1974); Gray (1988); Desroches (1990); Michael (1997).
[36] Tewksbury (1995).
[37] Jabvorek (1979); Quinsey and Upfold (1985); Ullman and Knight (1991).
[38] Schultz (1998).
[39] Leap (1999).
[40] Church and Green (1993).
[41] Clatts (1999).
[42] Anderson (1977).
[43] Hall and Brady (1994). [Full text]
[44] Desroches (1991).
[45] Cockfield and Moss (2002).
[46] Santa Ana Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[47] Tewksbury (1995).
[48] Santa Ana Police Department (2001). [Full text]
[49] Gray (1988).
[50] Gordon and Hendricks (1998).
[51] Schultz (1998).
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