[1] Rennison (2003)[Full Text].
[2] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text]; Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[3] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text]; Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[4] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text]; Greenfeld et al. (1998)[Full Text].
[5] For an excellent discussion of the challenges these different definitions cause in making findings across research studies and surveys, see Mears (2003) and Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[6] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[7] Rennison (2003)[Full Text].
[8] Rennison (2001)[Full Text].
[9] Fox and Zawitz (2002)[Full Text].
[10] Fox and Zawitz (2002)[Full Text].
[11] See Straus (2005) and Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) for a review.
[12] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[13] Straus (2005); Moffit and Caspi (1999)[Full Text].
[14] Straus (2005).
[15] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text]; Straus (2005).
[16] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[17] Carrington and Phillips (2003).
[18] Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (2002).
[19] For a summary, see Brewster (2002).
[20] Hotaling et al. (1989).
[21] For a thorough review of the research in support of this theory, see Kennedy (2002). Also see Hotaling et al. (1989) for the results of several studies and Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) for a general description of study findings about this topic.
[22] Dekeseredy et al. (1997).
[23] Straus (2005).
[24] For a summary, see Brewster (2002).
[25] Greenfeld et al. (1998)[Full Text]; Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[26] Dekeseredy et al. (1997).
[27] Hickman et al. (2004). For a detailed discussion of the challenges of measuring teen dating violence and the results of different studies that have attempted to, see Hickman et al. (2004).
[28] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[29] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[30] Lloyd (1998).
[31] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[32] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[33] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text].
[34] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[35] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text].
[36] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text]. Also see Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) describing a study one of the authors conducted with others in Quincy District Court (Massachusetts) finding a similar pattern.
[37] Greenfeld et al. (1998)[Full Text].
[38] Greenfeld et al. (1998)[Full Text].
[39] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[40] Jasinski (2001a); Jasinski (2001b); for a summary of the research related to pregnancy and domestic violence, see U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[41] Jasinski (2001a); Jasinski (2001b); for a summary of the research related to pregnancy and domestic violence, see U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[42] Summary of research on pregnancy and domestic violence, U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[43] Jasinski (2001b).
[44] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[45] Rennison and Welchans (2000)[Full Text].
[46] Moffitt and Caspi (1999)[Full Text].
[47] Moffitt and Caspi (1999)[Full Text].
[48] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[49] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[50] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[51] Ascione (2004).
[52] Tjaden and Thoennes (2000)[Full Text].
[53] Lloyd et al. (1994)[Full Text].
[54] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[55] Buzawa and Buzawa (1996).
[56] Hanmer et al (1999)[Full Text]; Anderson et al (1995)[Full Text]; Bridgeman and Hobbs (1997)[Full Text]; Chenery et al (1997)[Full Text]; Lloyd et al (1994)[Full Text]; Pease (1998)[Full Text]. For the application of a graded approach to reducing repeat domestic violence victimization in the United States, see the description of the Fremont Police Department approach in Sampson and Scott (2000) [Full Text].
[57] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text]. Also see Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) describing a study one of the authors conducted with others in Quincy District Court (MA) finding a similar pattern.
[58] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text].
[59] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text].
[60] Hanmer et al. (1999)[Full Text].
[61] Kennedy (2002).
[62] Buzawa and Buzawa (1996).
[63] U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[64] Hickman et al. (2004).
[65] Felson, Ackerman, and Gallagher (2005).
[66] See adopted recommendations in American Medical Association Data on Violence Between Intimates (2000).
[67] For a summary of the research on physician screening for domestic violence, see U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[68] Roberts (2002a).
[69] Brookoff et al. (1997).
[70] See Bruno v. Codd 47 N.Y. 2d 582, 393 N.E. 2d 976, 419 N.Y.S. 2d 901 [1979]; and Thurman v. City of Torrington 595 F. Supp 1521 [1984].
[71] Sherman and Berk (1984).
[72] Roberts and Kurst-Swanger (2002).
[73] Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (2004) [Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence Full Text ],[
Protection Orders Full Text ] .
[74] Roberts (2002a).
[75] Sherman and Berk (1984).
[76] For a discussion of the replication studies, see Gelles (1996) and Fagan (1996)[Full Text].
[77] Maxwell, Garner and Fagan (2001)[Full Text].
[78] Maxwell, Garner and Fagan (2001)[Full Text].
[79] Maxwell, Garner and Fagan (2001)[Full Text].
[80] Maxwell, Garner and Fagan (2001)[Full Text].
[81] Felson, Ackerman, and Gallagher (2005).
[82] Loue (2001).
[83] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[84] Loue (2001).
[85] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[86] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) discuss the empirical research from two mandatory prosecution jurisdictions and the arguments for and the drawbacks to "no drop" policies.
[87] Smith et al. (2001)[Full Text]; Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[88] Mazur and Aldrich (2003).
[89] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[90] Brewster (2002).
[91] Brewster (2002).
[92] Brewster (2002).
[93] U.S. General Accounting Office (2002)[Full Text].
[94] Jackson (2003)[Full Text].
[95] Jackson (2003)[Full Text]; Feder and Forde (2003)[Full Text].
[96] Jackson et al. (2003)[Full Text].
[97] Fagan (1996)[Full Text]; Buzawa and Buzawa (1996).
[98] Healey et al. (1998)[Full Text].
[99] Fagan (1996)[Full Text]; also see Healey et al. (1998)[Full Text] and Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[100] Kruttschnitt et al. (2003).
[101] Buzawa and Buzawa (2003).
[102] Healey et al. (1998)[Full Text].
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