Appendix B: Warning Signs of Potential School Violence
NOTE: These signs have been extracted from a variety of sources46 and do not represent a scientific assessment, and should be regarded as speculative. Some warning signs of potential school violence may include a student who:
- Has engaged in violent behavior in the past
- Has tantrums and uncontrollable angry outbursts abnormal for someone that age
- Continues exhibiting antisocial behaviors that began at an early age
- Forms and/or maintains friendships with others who have repeatedly engaged in problem behaviors
- Often engages in name calling, cursing, or abusive language
- Has brought a weapon or has threatened to bring a weapon to school
- Consistently makes violent threats when angry
- Has a substance abuse problem
- Is frequently truant or has been suspended from school on multiple occasions
- Seems preoccupied with weapons or violence, especially associated more with killing humans than with target practice or hunting
- Has few or no close friends despite having lived in the area for some time
- Has a sudden decrease in academic performance and/or interest in school activities
- Is abusive to animals
- Has too little parental supervision given the student's age and level of maturity
- Has been a victim of abuse or been neglected by parents/guardians
- Has repeatedly witnessed domestic abuse or other forms of violence
- Has experienced trauma or loss in their home or community
- Pays no attention to the feelings or rights of others
- Intimidates others
- Has been a victim of intimidation by others
- Dwells on perceived slights, rejection, or mistreatment by others; blames others for his/her problems and appears vengeful
- Seems to be preoccupied with TV shows, movies, video games, reading materials, or music that express violence
- Reflects excessive anger in writing projects
- Is involved in a gang or antisocial group
- Seems depressed/withdrawn or has exhibited severe mood or behavioral swings, which appear greater in magnitude, duration, or frequency than those typically experienced by students that age
- Expresses sadistic, violent, prejudicial, or intolerant attitudes
- Has threatened or actually attempted suicide or acts of unfashionable self-mutilation

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