[1] Arluke (2004); Arluke (2006).
[2] Lockwood (2006).
[3] Schlueter (2008).
[4] Vollum, Buffington-Vollum, and Longmire (2004); Lockwood (2006); Lockwood (2008).
[5] Schlueter (1999).
[6] Arluke (2006); Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006); Patronek (2008); Solot (1997).
[7] Schlueter (1999); Schlueter (2008).
[8] Dadds et al. (2004).
[9] Lockwood (2008).
[10] Patronek (2008).
[11] Arluke (2006); Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006); Patronek (2008); Solot (1997).
[12] Arluke and Luke (1997).
[13] Arluke (2006).
[14] Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005).
[15] Humane Society (2004).
[16] Allan (2010); Arluke et al. (2002); Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005); Fleury (2007); Nathanson (2009); Patronek (2008).
[17] Turnbull (2000); Ascione (2008); PETA Research and Education Foundation (n.d.); Humane Society of the United States (1999); Linkage Project (2010).
[18] Patterson-Kane and Piper (2009); McPhedran (2009); Hackett and Uprichard (2007); Beirne (2004); Arluke (2006); Belle (2001); Duncan and Miller (2002).
[19] Hackett and Uprichard (2007); Patterson-Kane and Piper (2009).
[20] Patterson-Kane and Piper (2009); McPhedran (2009); Hackett and Uprichard (2007); Pierpoint and Maher (2010).
[21] Arluke and Luke (1997).
[22] American Humane Association (2005).
[23] Delong (2010).
[24] Patronek (1999).
[25] Animal Legal Defense Fund (n.d.); Patronek (1999).
[26] Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006).
[27] Pierpoint and Maher (2010).
[28] Hackett and Uprichard (2007); Dadds et al. (2004).
[29]Hackett and Uprichard (2007).
[30] Munro (1999); Humane Society (2004); Gerbasi (2004); Flynn (2001); Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006); Pierpoint and Maher (2010).
[31] Flynn (2001); Munro (1999).
[32] Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006); Patronek (2008).
[33] Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006).
[34] Patronek, Loar, and Nathanson (2006); Vaca-Guzman and Arluke (2005); Animal Legal Defense Fund (n.d.[a]).
[35] Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005).
[36] Flynn (2001); Munro (1999).
[37] Allan (2010); Arluke et al. (2002); Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005); Fleury (2007); Nathanson (2009); Patronek (2008).
[38] Pierpoint and Maher (2010); Patterson-Kane and Piper (2009); McPhedran (2009); Hackett and Uprichard (2007); Beirne (2004); Arluke (2006); Belle (2001); Duncan and Miller (2002).
[39] Ascione (2005); Faver and Strand (2003).
[40] Gilbreath (2008); Humane Society of the United States (1999).
[41] Munro (1999); Lockwood (2008).
[42] Carlisle-Frank and Flanagan (2006).
[43] Patronek, Loar, and Nathanson (2006).
[44] Boatfield and Vallongo (1999); Linkage Project (2010).
[45] Nathanson (2009).
[46] Schlueter (1999); Lockwood (1989).
[47] Nathanson (2009).
[48] Linkage Project (2010).
[49] Baltimore Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force (2010).
[50] Pierpoint and Maher (2010).
[51] Munro and Thrusfield (2001); Munro (1999); Arkow, Boyden, and Patterson-Kane (2011).
[52] Arkow, Boyden, and Patterson-Kane (2011).
[53] Arluke (2006); Arluke, Frost, Steketee, and Patronek (2002).
[54] American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2010).
[55] Garrett (2008).
[56] Baltimore Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force (2010); Frasch (2008); Garrett (2008); Schlueter (2008).
[57] Lockwood (2006); Baltimore Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force (2010).
[58] American Humane Association (1995).
[59] Pierpoint and Maher (2010); Ascione (2001); Duncan, Thomas, and Miller (2005); Duncan and Miller (2002).
[60] New Mexico Department of Public Safety (2008).
[61] Siebert (2010); Otto (2005).
[62] Tischler (1999); Lockwood (2008); Frasch (2008); Baltimore Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force (2010).
[63] Lockwood (2006); Pierpoint and Maher (2010).
[64] Belle (2001); Baltimore Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force (2010).
[65] Patronek (1999); Patronek, Loar, and Nathanson (2006); Nathanson (2009); Allan (2004).
[66] Allan (2004).
[67] Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005); Allen (2004).
[68] Allen (2004).
[69] Frasch (2008); Berry, Patronek, and Lockwood (2005); Livingston (2001).
[70] Frasch (2008).
[71] Lockwood (2006).
[72] Kogan et al. (2004); Gilbreath (2008); Ascione (2000).
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