Stuart Kirby was a lecturer in criminology at Lancaster University in Lancaster, United Kingdom. He retired as a detective chief superintendent after 30 years with the Lancashire Constabulary where he worked in a number of general assignments, including as a divisional commander, and specialist assignments that dealt with homicide, counter-terrorism, forensics, intelligence, serious and organized crime, critical incidents, major investigations, and hostage negotiation. He supervised several award-winning problem-oriented policing initiatives, including twice receiving Tilley Awards for excellence in problem-oriented policing in the United Kingdom, and oversaw much of the implementation of problem-oriented policing in the Lancashire Constabulary. Following his doctoral research on the subject of child molesters Kirby became a licensed psychologist and accredited offender profiler. His research interests are in the areas of policing, organized crime, crime reduction and investigation, community safety, and offender behavior in relation to violent and sexual crime. Kirby holds a bachelor of science degree in psychology from Lancaster University and a doctorate in investigative psychology from the University of Surrey.
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