Additional Resources
Bureau of Justice Assistance. (1999). Strategic approaches to clandestine drug laboratory enforcement. [PDF]
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. (2003). Cleanup of clandestine methamphetamine labs: Guidance document. [PDF]
Crime and Violence Prevention Center. California Attorney General's Office. (n.d.) Clandestine drug labs. [PDF] Honolulu (Hawaii) Police Department.
McEwan, T., Uchida, C.D., Castellano, T.C., et al. (2003). Combating methamphetamine laboratories and abuse: Strategies for success. [PDF] Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
Michigan methamphetamine control strategy. [PDF] (2002).
Minnesota Department of Health. Cleanup guidelines. [PDF] (2003).
Minnesota Department of Health. Response manual. (2002).
Missouri Department of Health, Section for Environmental Public Health. (n.d.) Cleaning up former methamphetamine labs. [PDF]
National Crime Prevention Council, et al. (2002). Responding to methamphetamine: Washington States promising example. [PDF]
National Drug Intelligence Center. (2003). Methamphetamine laboratory identification and hazards: Fast facts. [PDF]
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Public Health, Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance Program. (n.d.). Clandestine methamphetamine laboratories information and safety sheet: Injury prevention for first responders, firefighters, law enforcement. [PDF]
Oregon Department of Human Services, Environmental Health.
Swetlow, K. (2003).
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Washington State Department of Health. Division of Environmental Health. Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Video: Clandestine drug labs: Kitchens of death (Law enforcement version). Crime and Violence Prevention Center. California Attorney General's Office.
This video provides basic survival information for law enforcement officers related to the identification and investigation of clandestine drug labs. Safety guide included.
- Segment 1: Introduction to clandestine laboratories
- Segment 2: Detection and location
- Segment 3: Booby traps and hazards
- 15 minutes. General public version also available.
- Contact the Crime and Violence Prevention Center for purchase ($19.95): 1-800-982-1420
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