Dr. Joe Kuhns is professor of criminal justice at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He teaches courses in policing, drugs and crime, and research methods at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prior to arriving at UNCC, Dr. Kuhns served as a Senior Policy Analyst at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Dr. Kuhns has worked on dozens of research and evaluation projects that focused on spouse abuse and homicide, reducing harms associated with prostitution, community policing in small cities/towns, managing the growth of police agencies, and drug and violent crime relationships. He is currently working with a number of scholars and the Trinidad and Tobago Police Services to help to reduce violent crime and improve law enforcement services in that developing nation. He is also working with colleagues to reduce prostitution solicitation in the Charlotte area. He continues to explore the relationship between drug use and violent behavior by analyzing toxicology data within and outside of the United States. Dr. Kuhns holds a doctorate in criminology from the State University of New York at Albany.