Gary Cordner is a senior research advisor for the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. He formerly taught at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania; taught for 21 years at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), including five years as Dean of the College of Justice & Safety; and commanded the St. Michaels, Maryland Police Department for three years. Cordner founded and directed both the Regional Community Policing Institute and the International Justice & Safety Institute at EKU. He has authored several books on policing and served as editor of both the American Journal of Police and Police Quarterly. He has been a Goldstein Award judge for over 20 years and served on the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies from 2007 to 2016. Dr. Cordner received his doctorate in social science from Michigan State University.
Author Contact Information:
E-mail: gcordner@gmail.com
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